Well, really, Id consider you a female because if you are pysically a female with the exception of your reproductive organs, and you think of yourself as a female, you live and work as a female then your not really any different from us if you think about it.
I hope this helps you but there are so many stereotypes out tehre that I dont think you should let yourself be upset by the single body that asked youthis question. It is a perfectly valid question but really, it should boil down to how YOU see yourself and not what everyone else thinks.
Does that make much sense? Im tired
hi gurl, i recon your girlie enough for me. personality is everything.
Hi Gurl,
People on the SH site are open minded and accept all sorts of people for what they are, you just be you and be happy.
Best wishes
can't see that there is an opinion here.....you are now a woman.
So you can't have babies.....well sure is a lot of other women in the same boat as you.
Don't know do much about you really...but damn sure you fought hard and long to be a woman......so no way are you anything but.
I have no problems at all with people changing their sex surgically, and living as other than that which they were born as.
I know personally, a transgendered woman. She looks, acts and lives as a woman. Is physically a woman and I do not see her as the male which she was born as.
However, since my daily life, part of which is as a professional genealogist, revolves around such things as birth certificates and other forms of personal identity, I have to say I do not agree at all with changing details on birth certificates to reflect the new chosen gender.
After all, one cannot possibly hope to change a historical fact and *correcting* a birth cert to show the new gender is wrong both because it *has* happened so cannot possibly be changed and because genetically you would still be the gender you were born with, so the certificate details would be a fabrication.
In this world people are open to abuse of every kind so having your chosen gender on a birth cert is only for personal reasons of embarrassment, but that would not make it *a true copy of an entry of birth* (as printed on every birth certificate issued by UK Govt.) in the births register.
It would be false in both gender and historical fact. Altering the births register to reflect this new gender still does not counter the original statement of fact, it merely seeks to give false representation.
I feel that birth certificates should be issued to the transgendered to reflect their new surgical gender to protect them from a lifetime of embarassing situations, but not by altering the original.
Secondary certificates, which look no different to any other, should be issued and with a reference to the original in the registrar's possession, as in adopted person's birth cert's.
Living as a transgendered person will of course be fraught with problems, but trying to alter history is wrong.
gurl this is an area i studied quite intensively during my degree. There are some excellent articles and books written by psychologists who have worked extensively with transgender peeps. The main findings to come out of a lot of the research is that as all embryo's are female for the first few weeks following conception it's very likely that a lot of male-female transgenders should actuallty have been born female in the first place!!! and would have been had the testosterone not kicked in!!!
Guess wot i'm trying to say is that if you feel female then u are female....and anyway why do we have to label/pigeonhole people????? do i have to be labelled as straight/gay/bi or can i just be me??????
I'm not offended gurl! Personally I would refer to you as she/her/Ms because that is what you are, a woman. You feel like a woman, you have a womans body, you are a woman!
It is difficult sometimes if someone doesn't quite understand and feels awkward, personally I think it is more polite to ask what is a preferred way of addressing someone if you are not sure than just assuming but it does make for awkward situations. It also depends on whether you are willing to respond in a positive way or get upset that they don't just 'know' anyway.
Slightly different scenario but with similar connotations, I have a disabled child and I would much prefer it if people asked me about her than made assumptions or ignorant comments just because they didn't understand her, I would say it is similar in the sort of way that people don't understand people who are different in some way, much better to educate than have them carry on being ignorant and possibly offensive.
I swear there was a poll in the top of this thread when I first came in... and I voted. What sort of magic made it disappear?
Hey Hey Girlfriend, how are ya?
A good thread to start the year off. If you are asking opinions, then I have to suggest you go with what ever you feel comfortable with. You wont be able to comply with what everyone expects of you, so decide with what's deep in your heart.
Please accept honest confusion from folks, for I feel most won't want to offend. Most will just want to know what YOU are comfortable with. Just because someone is a transsexual, doesn't mean they don't wish to be seen as an individual with individual feelings and personalities!
In our time, we've had the pleasure of meeting both transsexuals and transvestites, some who discovered they were truly themselves while changing gender, and some men who just LOVED getting dolled up. I wont deny I also was cautious, only because I didn't want to offend, but if this person is honest enough and trusts me with me with such personal information, the least I can do is mirror that honesty or be courteous enough to ask simply how they want to be addressed.
Silky xxx