hiya people,,I'm back,,did ya miss me,,sorry I've been away so long,,(too many deaths this year) I've been sorting my head out,,but it's good to be back among (live) friends again,,p's' thx 4 all your messages of support,,you're all stars
I'm great taaa,,the bike is still sweet(my one true love) the emotional train wreck/roller coaster ride is over for now and life is back in perspective,,being a lifetime biker I'm used to losing friends,just never so many so fast,kinda threw me a swerveball for a while,,,and no I didn't fill in a leave form,thus I plead temporary insanity
Well the temporay insanity wont las long, it will soon be permanent now you back I remember your last post and hope that you are now feeling a little better, lets hope the new year is better to you than the last one has been.
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple Well the temporay insanity wont las long, it will soon be permanent now you back
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: So very true!! Agree completely with NWC, don't worry, it won't be temporary for long Sorry to hear you've had such a rough time of it lately - but tis nice to see you back on the forums, welcome back into the fold :kiss:
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