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Clatto Country Park & Reservoir Woodland Carpark -


After dark every night, entrance road is long with big speed lumps, so you have to crawl in, its actually a fantastic idea because any vechile coming in, can clearly be seen from the carpark, without them being able to see you for about a minute, giving anyone and everyone time to compose themselves. As you get to the end of the road, its a sharp turn right 90 degrees, and down another speed bumped road half as long as the first, then left at the bottom gates, into the carpark. Its very dark, and private with woods and a wooden building with 2 orange lights on the back, just through the trees, lots of bearly lit woodland walks and dark doorway entrances around the front of the council building looking across the reservoir. Couples, Singles, Gay, Straight, Indifferent, all welcome. In carpark normal dogging ettiquette applies. (see : dogging ettiquette online). Away from houses, street lights and public roads. Check it out on google maps come down. :)