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Competant Photographers & their work
Invite Only - 96 Members


For Sh photographers who not only take quality picture but who offer a non-charge service. They agree to be professional i.e not pass on any image without consent of the subject; reliable i.e turn up if when arranged; polite i.e respect boundaries and privacy; and ideally be fun as well. All pics are provided by their 'clients' and must be with consent. Find us in '4 Photographers and Couples seeking their Talents' HOW TO USE Once you are a member, you may SHARE your pics. I still need to work out how we tell which pics are whose, and who took them. Any ideas - let me know. Obviously photographer members need to say where they are based. FORUM : Suggest each new Photographer member posts a FOLDER - something on the lines of 'About photographer' name.

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