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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 50
Straight Female, 49


I would be very interested - but too far away sad
Have you ever done this before as the wife and I would like to do exactly the same as you ?
Hi eveyone, new to the forum and this is not strictly a dogging meet request, but I am trying to arrange for a good looking guy to watch the wife and me in the car. We are early 30s and good looking/slim. She is petite (size 10) and very sexy. She would be wearing this dress..

and a pair of 5" patent pvc heels (under a long coat).
We plan to park up and starting making out and would be looking for one (only one) good looking/slim young guy to watch us - don't get too close to the car though. It's a major fantasy of hers to be watched fucking me. She has said that she definitely wouldn't touch another guy. But having said that has anyone else done this and found that their lady actually changed her mind when it was happening ? The guy would be welcome to wank himself to orgasm while watching us.
Are we asking too much here ?
Edited to add that we wouldn't be looking to use a dogging spot, just a quiet layby or entrance to a field or similar - we definitely don't want to be spotted doing this - well only by one person ;)