Thanks to all who made comments xxxxxxxxx
I will check out author Wesleyomand
and will cut and paste too :twisted:
just wondering if others like the stories on here enough to warrant a way of saving them to a personal fav file, sometimes i read a story and want to show the wife later on and cant find it again
I want to see it.
Love her, hate her she is a big part of British History,
I find that as peeps get older they reflect much more on 'the good old days'
wagon wheels were bigger, peeps more friendly , streets safer
the truth is IMO life is as hard now as its has always been, politicans bullshit to suit themselves and yes they will knife each other to line thier pockets
maggie was a strong leader, and though I didnt like her or her party, she did get the falklands back however please remember the down side of her regime 3 day week, dustbin strike mass unemployment high interest rates
sounds just like today :sad:
best of luck to the film makers
no im not dead but with radio doing golden hour etc im thinking what has happened in our era
princess di born married kids dead
colour tv
elvis dead
john lennon
queen mum dead
punk rock
loads more any ring your bell
and why
how can the burning of a symbol like the poppy do anything other than stir even more hatred.
there is no room at all, ever, never, for peeple such as this.
:sad: Burning any symbol whether poppy or flags ,and it doesnt matter whether its a national symbol or a minority group in my view is a show of total hatred and therefore will only cause further discord
so spend sundays in bed make love not war
I am with foxy on this one.
Cars kill and maim an awful lot of people. quote]good points made on both sides for and against
truth is the roads are so busy that to raise the limit would be useless as though its 70 now, 90% of the time overhead signs bring it down to 40mph
we all drive above the 70 limit so why raise it
one accident during rush hour will cost up to £1/2 million in lost income- ---- potental income that is . it takes three hours to sort longer if a death
I was unlucky to get stopped for speeding and went on a course though annoyed at being caught, im happy to see both sides of this arguement
remember though 90% of accidents are on A roads and are more deadly (lower speeds too)
Its a customer service role know how it goes 70% pissed off ppl for one reason or another ,
my lass works in holiday booking office via telephone, all customers are happy when booking - then they find out that they could get same holiday cheaper or with this that or other bonus thrown in. ( even 9 months later ) and then they moan, thats when the stress kicks in
some can handle it- - some cant, so you have my understanding and sympathy keep smiling
is it ok to break the law, while trying to catch some one else breaking the law? In my personal veiw, no it is not,
:sad: many lawyers would use arguements like this to get villians off......
so how would you feel if you had a chance by naughty bugging a phone call of stopping 9 /11 or similiar
no im not for big brother however im not for being held by terrorist rights.
civil rights has done us well but like all rights it can go too far
those who have nought to hide have no reason to fear such things as id cards cc cameras. (that should be enough said to stir the pot lol)
Any ideas but try to keep it clean lol xx
being there for her will be the best pressie, however perhaps paying for a couple of driving lessons or a silver necklace depending on pennies etc
good luck
Cant remember the name of it for the life of me but sure someone more knowlegable will be along later.
i brought a bulk lot of vibes etc and as stated E bay doesnt allow it, however allows all and is free to place your ads so if they dont sale it hasnt cost you anything where as e bay charges just for placing
party plan is the best to shift them and girls have a giggle too
i will try amason though to shift the rest
If at first you don't succeed, try try and try again.
then your a stalker?