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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 45
Bi-curious Female, 46
0 miles · Belfast


Funny I tried to ask this question as well as others the other day saying there was nothing suitable on the forum info wise, I got links to threads with no relevance......
Same ole stuff with taste and pineapple......The thread was apparantly locked because of one question, forgetting that there were several...
So I can not help you.
Being a lot more realistic and practical than the rest of you this is what I would take.
Handbook of edible wild plants and weeds volume 1 & 2
Primitive living
Beat me down all you wish, I would survive long past rescue times.
Just curious.
How many of your non swinging friends know you swing?
How about your parents?
Who have you told and got good reactions from?
How many have you told that no longer talk to you?
Okay going back to the original question again briefly.....
Some of the things I look for in females.....
Some one who has not forgotten how to smile......
Clear eyes.....
I also have to admit that I love a women in high heels, but I have only spotted three women in the last six months who could wear them properly......What you might ask is properly...
Well next time you see a women walking past you in heels, turn around as she walks off and look at the ankle, and figure it out.
On the foot side again, I look for women who can walk straight ie, not with toes pointing out to the sides.
When it comes to a more general appearance. Hair and skin
I have only spotted perfect hair on a female once in my life but I could look at it all day.
Same goes for skin. Though I have never seen it yet.
Of course defination of perfect is entirely subjective anyway.
One thing I hate is make up, I don't mind a little done with subtly to enhance what she knows she has. But if they feel the need to paint on something a quarter inch thick I am not even going to say goodbye, it's a waste of my energy.
And IQ goes a long way alongside personality.
There you go thats my two sense.
So please back to your kankles.
I have to agree with the peeing,
I have two PA's I did them both myself and don't regret it.
They don't hurt that much at all and women do love it.
I have a small one and a large one, if your going through a really horny stage like we did over christmas then you might want to take it out, as it can chafe a bit.
And as said take it out every now and again just for difference.
The most painful piercing a male can have is the fraenulum, I did that one myself too.
It hurts a lot, if you do it either deal with the pain if you believe in that way of things with piercings or get it done with a spray.
From her perspective
Sometimes gets in the way of oral by rubbing the roof of the mouth in 69's.
For sex it provides excellent stimulation.
She also think it looks quite cool
My first experience was in school when I was about twelve.
I had never really had girl friends like everyone else, but the new girl liked me.
SO we got together messed around, talked, watched TV etc.
One time when her friend was there she dared us to screw each other. so we did.
Then the friend pulled the sheets away,saw we weren't lying and ran out...
It was hilarious at the time.
Sgt bilko, If I have trouble with people I will then PM a moderator.
You have a very good point.
As for the mixed messages I am sorry.
I am not intentionally suggesting that any one is sex mad, and likely to start shagging in the place.
The reason I said that the place will allow undressing. is....
I am trying to put across how open and comfortable the place is. It is not a sleezy place and I would be genuinely surprised if after going there people didn't go back because of that comfort level. And how nice the place actually is.
The reason I am trying to limit the types of people is probably two fold......
When we played in the fetish scene were got so sick of single guys, coming up in clubs and gropping my GF. So we avoided place with tons of single guys. For us that was extremely uncomfortable.
I am not suggesting that it happens in the swing side of things, I don't know what to expect yet.
I am trying to make sure the meet is comfortable.
Apart from the people who I said might be able to make it there are no women there at all.
And yes my partner and myself would like to meet more women,
But is there actually any point in 15 single guys who probably are looking for women going to a place to chat and relax with one couple?
This is my reasoning for limiting things to a certain number.
Is that the wrong attitude? I don't know.......
Oh almost forgot.
If you want to check out the place I am talking about why don't you join us there at the weekend. I think you would be surprised.
Or if you want the address I could PM it to you and you can check it out yourself. Having over fifteen hundred posts you probably know a hell of a lot more about this than I do.
But if you do decide to join us we can talk to the owners about the meet, and give the owners a more experienced opinion of what is what.
Just a thought.
For a cpl having no add or photos, yet having fucked everything suitable in london....
I can only say wow, Thank fuck ya missed us.
OK guys. bear in mind I have allready stated that the number of people with preferences, and I have allready got more than enough single guys wanting to go who have PM'd me.
Don't just mail me and say I would like to go.
I don't have time to read through all the profiles yet.
So send me details of what you are, I don't care about pics.
where you are, what you are looking for.
I still need single women and cpls to go.
If all I am getting is guys wanting to go then this isn't going to work.
All that does is save me a hell of a lot of time and trouble setting it up.
All those women out there who have only got pics and one liners, this is your chance to meet a few faces in a safe place.
I appreciate every ones input to this thread.
and I also welcome constructive critiscsim...(drunk so can't spell)
If you have a problem with the way I see things.......then tell me, especially you mods.
Okay to clarify thing.
This would be a meet in a non licensed establishment, eg no alcohol.
There would be no sexual contact allowed on the meet site. If you wanna take someone home thats fine, but not at the meeting point.
I would ultimatly be responsible for the behavipour of people turning up. So if any one broke the rules of the site meet they would be named and shamed. If you can't deal with that it isnt my problem, if the site has a problem with knowing the names of those not responsible enough to admit their own mistakes then I feel sorry for the site.
Quite frankly I don't give a shit about getting a bad name for naming and shaming. If people don't have respect enough towards me for supplying a place to meet other newby swingers then those people should not be on the site.
This will be a first meet in a relatively normal place which allows undressing up to underwear. They will not tolerate sexual activities onsite.
And I being under a very high responsibility I will not tolerate it also.
If anyone decides to go elsewhere and become sexually intimate then that is there choice. I certainly have no locations that I can offer that will allow it.
Anyone who knows of a place that allows sexual activity onsite then let me know, we can always take the SOCIAL gathering else where. After the social meet.
But I will not be held responsible for other peoples disrespect for me or the initial meet site owners.
I hope that is clear enough

This pic shows what I mean
If you look at the search previous area you will see two areas covered.
Topic title + message text
Message text only
For a more efficient system I would add a third
Topic title only
Do you not agree?
Okay well how does this sound to start off with.....
I can probably bring one couple in plus one single Bi girl that I have met allready....
I may be meeting a cpl later today. If that goes well that might be two cpls.
Thats a possible 7 so far.
We need at least two single women preferably three
Maybe two or three single guys
and another cpl
Bringing a total to maybe fifteen.
Which for a small meet I think is quite enough.
I know one place which will happily allow upto undressing and teasing but NO SEXUAL CONTACT on site. I have a lot of respect for the owners and have known them since they opened the place, I would name and shame anyone who broke their rules.
It is not licensed but it is public and near totenham court road. So it is fairly central.
Serves coffee's hot choclate cakes etc
15 in there might be crowded a bit but it is very comfortable and sexually open. With very good quality refreshments.
Personally I would have to arrange times to suit the people I have met so far, simply to make me feel a little more comfortable....
If there are more replies than venue can hold I will try to get a good mix of people and interests.
For those who have been to small meets does this sound like a good ratio of preferences etc?
If it is sucessful maybe there could be more, But I will have to see what happens with this one first.
And other ideas or general advice, warnings, opinions etc.......?
By the sound of things a few people here are interested.
So maybe we should reconsider and make it a more formal meet.
Of course We would have to meet verified people too.
Anyone have a problem with irish pubs?
As relative newbies to the swing scene and having met no one on the forum yet who can verify us, Is it possible to meet someone just for a drink/lunch or even a coffee, We know a great little coffee place in convent garden.
We are in north london but would prefer to meet in central london preferably some weekend or tuesday,
Mornings may be possible other days.
We would be perfectly happy to try and organise something like a small meet but with more than one or two attendees, but here are a few problems I see
Newbs usually aren't highly regarded in any forum until they have proven themselves.
So who is realistically going to show up? Besides we wouldn't have the first clue on how to go about it, and yes I know there is a guide to it but there is surely an awful lot of info which only going to a munch can offer.
At the same time newbs aren't invited to larger munches until they have been proven.
Isn't this a catch 22? We think so.
We have allready met ppl but were informed through PM by a mod that it must be somone on the forum who is also known.
So please anyone preferably a CPL with Bi fem, cause we might like to take it further as a group.
We are very nice people and young, intelligent etc. And basically good company
So please don't hold the newb thing against us, and help us to get to more of you.
For anyone who chooses to meet and verify us thank you.
Yes I did do a search on what I am asking but quite frankly there are hundreds of posts with the word in and finding it could take days, hence my other topic put on a few minutes before this.
I know there are a lot of topics on swallowing and do you like to etc but what I want to know is.
Is there any paticular foods and drinks which effect the taste of it.
I allready know to make less salty drink plenty of water
Pineapple juice makes it taste sweeter
Any one got more?
And second question, What foods or drinks increase the amount of cum and, I am sure some may want to decrease the amount if they are shooting buckets, so what limits the amount too?
Any chance od adding another option to the search facility?
I am refering to the section which allows you to choose search between
topic tite and msg text
or msg text
Can you add an option to search topic title only.
I think it would make searching for things much easier as certain words will naturally appear in a lost of posts in this place.
When I was teaching out door stuff to kids, we had very little to entertain ourselves with in free time.
Most of us didn't have cars, it was in house accomodation and the nearest pub was a mile away, Which ruled out pub trips most of the time.
We ended up playing the silliest games, though not swinging games they were unsuitable for kids.
Simply called "the fuck game" best suited to 10 players or more, and insanely crazy with 65 people, Yes we had big rooms available for this.
Which is a drinking game...Start off by all players picking a name fuck related...
eg bondage fuck
kinky fuck
northern fuck
hillbilly fuck
outdoor fuck etc
This is the hard bit to explain on here
everyone starts off with both arms out in front of them and chant the words
Hands up high..move them up high
Hands down low....lower the arms
Twiddle your nipples.......twidle
Heeeeeeere we the go, slap your thighs
then follow with the routine
Slap thighs
clap hands
Click fingers of left hand
Click fingers of right hand
slap clap click click okay got that.......
Starting with one person there are words to the at the relevant bit you call certain should all blend in to one continous babble which tends to get louder as the night progresses. of you...... eg bondage
Click.......what the
Click.........fuck a
Clap......bout a
Click......someone elses name eg.......kinky
Each person takes it in turns to pass around to someone else like this
bondage fuck what the fuck how about a kinky fuck
kinky fuck what the fuck how about a northern fuck
northern fuck what the fuck how about an outdoor fuck
Who ever fucks up first drinks from their glass, shot glasses can work for this too.
Every time you start you have to do the hands up high bit.
It speeds up as you continue
And is very easy to forget someones name and mess up the motor control of you slap clap click click routine.
Suggestion Number 2
Theres always the old truth or dare routine.
Spin the bottle with a twist.......some of you have probably played this one before. Has to be done with swingers or very open groups.
Every time you get a certain match the anty up itself a bit.
eg first time person A is matched with person H they start off by
Pecking on the cheek
Pecking on the lips
Kissing with closed mouth
Kissing with open mouth
Kiss nipples
Licking nipples
Full on mouth to nipple
Kissing genitals
Licking genitals
Full on geital play etc.
If you want you can go right up to full on sex with invitations for third parties
You can make up the order before the game starts to make sure everyone is willing to do everything with everyone this way limiting how
Suggestion 3
I have never have you ever.......
Similar to truth or dare only it is all truths and a drinking game
Each person in the circle takes it in turns clockwise or anticlockwise to start an I have never have you ever speech......The idea is that the person has to have done it before, even though they say they haven't...So they MUST drink....Otherwise the shier or less experienced stay more sober sided and don't necessarily enjoy it as much..
They tend to be sexually related questions and I have heard a bunch of crazy ones from some people, like...
I have never have you ever been caught in bed with a prostitute by your mum.......this guy had a reputation for the rest of the season from that question alone.
A good game to very quickly get to know, laugh and relax with each other.
Heres a good wit based word one
Everyone in a small circle no more than 13 people.
Calls out a card in order eg ace, two, three.
The first person has to start on ace,
the next person has a choice of the next three cards, so two, three or four is their only option.
If you call two, the nest person in circle skips go
If you call the three, the direction reverses
If you call four the nest person cannot use an even number
So a random game could go like this for ten people
The first number behind a bracket is the person relevant to the clockwise direction
The number folowing is relevant to the game calling
7) (((If this person calls out here they would have to drink as they were skipped)))
7) this person then has to go again etc
It is a very fast game and to make it worse every time some one messes up and drinks they have to add a new rule.
Such as the Jack is now known as (stand up and sing "I'm a little tea pot short and stout")
Here are a few basic ideas for you to expand upon
Changing a number to a different word, number etc
Every time some one calls a paticular number they have to run around behind the circle or do some other activity,
I hope that last one makes sense. try using just two rules to start with eg skipping a number and direction reverses and see how complicated you can make it.
Heres on I just thought of.....
Kinda like a word game we used to play with kids that went for breakfast I had
An apple
For breakfast I had an apple and a banana
For breakfast I had an apple, a banana and a cherry.
Change the story to something more adult in nature and carry on....
I really hope I don't have to explain the rules for that one.
Someone better at least try these Know how long it took to type this thread????
As the male speaking here.
I love pleasing my partner, and quite frankly if someone gets her off by squirting and I couldn't do it I would want the guy to show me.
I am not going to get all fucking macho and try to better somone.
It gives me more pleasure to please her better, than it would to say I am better than him.
A couple we have played with on here have had the unfortunate event of meeting a cpl where the girl didn't do a damn thing, speak, interact etc. The ad is for a BI girl specifically,
I am guessing there are a few guys dragging their girls along and trying to reap the benefits.
Those sorts of guys would be all fucking jealous and probably do something stupid too. I have no respect for them and wouldn't consider playing with anyone so uncompassionate.
We are far from hardened swingers, but theres my two cents.
I am directly related to a guys friend somewhere down the ancestral line who invented fire by friction.
I can pick up a note in my teeth from the floor without touching my hands to the ground, by doing the splits first.
I can put a ten inch chop stick completely to the tip down my urethra. A party trick I have never used, Wonder why......
I got intimate with a porn star in a shop she was invited to open, she did more than open the shop.
Thats about my lot, sorry I can't do better.
Does any one ere wish to introduce us to a london club, we were looking at cockatoo, and thought it might be allright if we knew people to start with, any other better suggestions, probably in a week to two weeks time?
Thanks for any replies.
We are new in here, but can prove we are genuine through others allready met here.
We hope you would give this opportunity to introduce us to more people with similar interests.
Let us know please.
So Hi, every one
For you two lovely people we met earlier thanks for a great time, maybe next time we will have longer.
Say hello and introduce yourself please.