I have just joined. It is difficult to know what to put here other than the obvious interest in drama-free sexual encounters with sex-positive people. Anything else can sound too erudite and almost academic. I will examine some other profiles and re-think this one. Perhaps I will seek inspiration from Dante:
Then by the spirit, that doth never leave
Its amorous dalliance with my lady’s looks,
Back with redoubled ardour were mine eyes
Led unto her: and from her radiant smiles,
Whenas I turn’d me, pleasure so divine
Did lighten on me, that whatever bait
Or art or nature in the human flesh,
Or in its limn’d resemblance, can combine
Through greedy eyes to take the soul withal,
Were to her beauty nothing. Its boon influence
From the fair nest of Leda rapt me forth,
And wafted on into the swiftest heav’n.