Awwww thx hun
And don't forget we have a 'date' for 2 Chinese's!!!! :P :P :P
sexyjess23........ If you wear that outfit in your avatar I'll pester the life out of Denise and Mr.D to get you on the definate list!!!!! Joining the queue as well!!!!!!!
Luv Alex DJ
So.....Does being a mod mean you have to ride a scooter with lots of mirrors and lights on it and wear a Parka with a target on the back!?!?!?!?
Or have I missed the point?????????
Luv Alex DJ
Bumping this up sure worked!!!!
So did we resolve this issue!?!?!?
Alex DJ
Who's the bloody father I wanna know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woo Hoo!!!!!!
What a response!!! And still 4 months to go!!!
Sunbunny......... Spare 5 mins from a stint on the door to say Hi.... You're forgiven!!!!
Mrs. Tigers....... Are you gonna wear the same top??? Grrrrrrrrrrrrr............
Sexyjess23...... With an avatar like that you can come and make a request to me anytime!!!!
Pebbles............ Didn't meet for 6 years then twice in a year???!!!
Rainbows........ After such nice comments, would love to say Hi.
Luv Alex DJ xxx XXX
Rainbow Theatre Finsbury Park
Van Halen with Dave Lee Roth
2nd row from the stage
'Kin Awesome and 'Kin LOOOOUUUUDDDDDDD
Just to point out that I chose not to charge for my services at the Essex Munch I as will be the case at Essex Munch II. I was pleasantly surprised when I received the contents of the bucket (Thankfully changed up!!) As a professional DJ my charge for a gig like that would be 5-6 times over what I received....I'm not moaning!!!!!
My personal thoughts on wether to charge is that I don't see why the organiser should foot the whole bill, to be many of us out there can spare that kind of cash out of their weekly/monthly paycheck?? £3 or less seems an insignificant amount to pay and at least you are informed of that before you put your name down. Its the old adage, you don't wanna pay then don't go and don't bitch about it when you're not going anyway!!!!
Alex DJ
Angels....... best song in 25 years????
Hmmmmmmmmmm For me out of the nominations it has to be Joy Divisions' 'Love will tear us apart' Might even play it at the Essex Munch II !!!
Having been a DJ for over 25 years there are so many great tracks not on the list it's hard to choose a definitive track. I'm sure this has been a subject of threads before so we won't go there!!!!
Luv Alex DJ (Official Essex Munch I & II DJ (Have the badge to prove it!!))
Essex Munch II..... 4th June.... Just be there
Penguins = Skittles with Beaks!!!!
Luv Alex DJ (Official Essex Munch I & II DJ (Have the badge to prove it!!))
God that ringtone is F**ING annoying!!!! Every sprog seems to have it Still..............
Go to one of the mp3 download sites (The legal ones of course!!!!!!) and you can download a techno version by DJ Cybart!!!!!!!!!!
It's even MORE annoying!!!!!
Luv Alex DJ (Official Essex Munch I & II DJ.......JUST be there.....
4th June)
Re Noah and Nelly 'All aboard the Skylark'
'Double' headed animalls like the 'Push-me-Pullyou' from the original Dr Doolittle
One end was happy, the other sad
Luv Alex DJ (The official Essex Munch I & II DJ)
Errrrrrrrrrrrrr Its not worrying at all
Just Bumping it up peeps!!!!!!
Read me PM even if the dates were confusing!!!! lol
OK Can do disco again It's booked in and a supply of CD drivebelts are in the spares box!!!!!
Is that two chinese's you owe me now??
Luv Alex xxx XXX (Official Essex Munch I & II DJ)