We would love to come, can you put us down please
Ambie & BBB2006
Cheers xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh and do you have any hotel details near the venue pleaseeeeeeeee ;) thanks xxx
Hi ya
Chesterfield couple looking to meet for drinks on Friday 25th September ;)
Just email us if ya interested ;)
Ambie and BBB2006 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi ya we are inteested , depending on the date ;)
Ambie and BBB2006 xxxxx
HI ya
Cple going out in Chesterfield tonight, anyone else going out ? maybe fancy joining us for a drink, were new to the area and looking for like minded people for fun and friendship...........and lots of flirting send us an email or reply on here if you are, we are going out about pm and will check replies until we go out.
Not looking for straight single men sorry, just cples or orally bi males.
Ambie and BBB2006 xxxx
can you add me as a maybe ;) and i will confirm soon, not sure i can get the friday off work yet but am trying ;)
Ambie xxxxxx
can you email me the details for payment again please me lost me email lol
Ta ;) Ambie xxxx
hi ya
can you put BBB2006 down as well pleaseeeeeeeee hes working so i said id put him on the list, hes a reg in the room lol
Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ..................Ambie
hehe god its getting closer ;) Miss B u may have bought 6 tops but you aint wearing none in bed ;) licks lips lol
I am trying to recruit sexy peeps hinest i just get stuck on the wat trying lol on that note pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee let mersey come hes a top guy ;) ( drools)
Ambie xxxxxx
hi ya confirming me abd bbb2006 will be there hotel booked woooohooooooo xxxxxAmbie
Hi ya
Can we comeeeeeeeeeeee please Ambie and BBB2006...............been regs for years and sooooooo want to attend ;)
Heres hoping
helloooooooooooooo ;) can you put me down please ;) anyone going from chesterfield area ;) xxxx and can i have list of hotels please to ;)
Just to confirm me and Dave will not be able to attend ......SORRYYYYYYYYY..........hope you all have fun ;) ( know you will ;) )
Ambie & Dave xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sorry not been online much as only just got Broad Band today ......woooo hooooo about time................but on a sad note its not looking like we can make the valentines party .......sorry, just realised its sooooooo close to my birthday week end and have plans for that already.................I will let you know soon if its a definate no no..........sorry to muck you about...........will let ya know as soon as ;) trust me to be a pain in the ass hey lol
Lubs Ambie n Dave xxxxxxxxxxx
Woooohooooooo another party...............just to let you know me and Dave would love 2 tickets.................will confirm after xmas to ;)
Ambie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hellooooooooooo Slash xxxx
Yeh hes the best indeed..............definately holding onto to him.................all moved in down south now...........god how happy am I living with me sexy fella ( smiles) AND OH YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS we coming to oxford...........
Ambie xxxxxx
Hellooooooooo ;)
Thanks Everyone for attending, Had a TOP TOP Night ...............definately was great meeeting so many of you at last............glad I spent my last night out in Sheffield with such loverly peeps ;)...........and Slash2Dash............what can I say............Open Invite ANYTIIME............fab fab couple...........and made us smile and laugh soooo sooo much , but now Dave cant say the word YES no more LMAO.............and SIDDY me fab co-host ..................LOVE you and Lisa to bits .............goner miss you when I go...........but dont dispear......We will be coming up to vist ;) didnt think you would get rid of us that easily did ya lol ........and JAYJAY you soooooooooo owe me a dance ;)..............and as for HANDYANDY well ..................good things do come in small packages lol.............and bLEEp........you was a star being Mr Taxi man .........patience of a saint ;) right I goner stop dribbling on now cause I can never shut up ;)
Thanks again peeps..........Lubs Ambie & Dave xxxxxxxxx
Thanks to all that have confirmed.................look forward to meeting you all on Saturday ;)
Ambie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Pleaseeeeeeeee can you all confirm ASAP as others want to attend and if you can not make it( which I hope you can ) ..............nothing worse than half not turning up on the night ;) many many many thanks
Ambie xxxxxxx
Hi ya
Sure .........can you ask Sid for hotels as he has a list....although I have heard many are fully booked now.
Ambie xxxx
Hi Fred & Eithel
I did explain the list is closed before but there have been a cple of cancellations so your more than welcome to attend.
Ambie xxxxx
All invites have been sent out except sxe cple as they do not appear on sh search .
Aint I a good gal lmaooooooo ...........Be good to get comfirmations ASAP who is definately attending as there are people on the reserve list waiting to see if they can attend.........many thanks
Ambie xxxxx
List is as follows
Ambie & SuperDave
Sid & Lisa
Jan & Kev
Askari Couple
Miss Blackleycpl
Fred & Eithel
44dd & Paintedfella
Yorkshire Fox
Tall Lady
Pretty Lip
Jus & Mel
Yokshire guy
Carpet fitter
Willow 33
Handy Andy + 1
Carl Murray
Ok .................Jus is ok to attend if she so wishes , obviously that means Mel to , I am willing to put my personal feeling to one side for the sake of the party
So lets hope everyone enjoys themselves
Ambie xxxxx
Oh anyone for Hopscotch lol
Hellooooo One man
Ok maybe Im thick but just checked through all messages and your not on one man at all ???? nothing to say you wanted to come hence you have never been added to the list ........sorry this is nothing personal but until I have just read your message didnt know............sorry but list is now closed.............if I have this wrong then please contact me so we can sort it out ;)
Ambie xxxx
Right only people on the list are allowed to attend......................unless cancellations then I will revert to the reserve list .....thanks Ambie xxxxx
Ok I cant send the invites via SH i dont seem to be able to attach it................sooooo all of you on the list can you please PM me your email addy so I can send you all the details ASAP......
Many Thanks
Ambie xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Right...............SORRY folks but the list is full now and I havent been online to say this in the last few days...............but fred eithel I can put you on reserve and let you know if there are any cancellations................once again but all full now.
Ambiexxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and details going out this week folks ;)