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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 45
0 miles · London


Quote by Snuffles87
 RDR2 was great, i just got a couple of old titles out to play again. Not heard of Leisure Suit Harry im afraid!

 it's an old comedy game, about a guy I think goes to college, and the job/duty is to find girls to hook up with. I think they made 2 games, and old classic perv game.   

What are everyone's thoughts about all these old games coming out again as remakes? some good, some bad?

I'm also mostly into pc gaming, but have an xbox, wii, and switch for my son.  I'm looking forward to Cyberpunk coming out in November.  I'm currently in the beginning of Red dead 2 story mode, recently been playing an old game called Silent Hunter 3, after watching the tom hanks grey hound movie, it put me in the mood to submarine warfare.    

Anyone played an old game called "Leisure Suit Larry"?  an old funny sex game about trying to get laid.

howdy, I prefer my pc, but have an xbox for my son.  I enjoy RPG, management games/city builders, some mmo shooters.  What are some of your top favourite games? 

Some people just can't take no for an answer, or aren't used to hearing it said to them.  Also a lot of people will cut and paste replies/responses.  

Be vigilant and patient, hopefully everyone will find what they want.  Also possibly on a low scale of probability, some are inexperienced about these things?  I have had my homer simpson moments after writing a message, wishing I reword or phrase something.