I once got flagged down by two Community Police Officers (they were walking, I was driving) and the officious one said something like "I'm sure you know why I've stopped you madam"
"Ummm no... I genuinely have no idea!"
He made me get out of the car and walk up to the top of the street I'd just turned left into. As we were walking up to the sign it dawned on me what his problem was and I started to giggle inside...
"What does that sign mean?" he asked me
"It means no entry officer, but the one underneath does say "except for access" - and I live down here. You can come and watch me put my key in my door if you like?"
Cue a very red faced uniformed man, babbling excuses about having to check because lots of people use this street as a cut through (the direction I'd come from meant that it wasn't any kind of short cut to anywhere, but I resisted the urge to point that out to him)
The only other time I can think of, I wasn't actually stopped.... but I'd gone to meet someone for a bit of dogging - wearing a very tight PVC dress and thigh boots! I was sitting in the car park waiting for my fellow perv when a police car pulled in :shock:
Luckily they just did a quick circuit of the car park and then drove out again, but that was a very tense couple of minutes while I imagined all the scenarios of what could have happened if they'd been a few minutes later!!
I've never been to France... Well, I went to eurodisney once, but that doesn't count I'm sure...
Have a lovely time though, sounds like a great way to holiday! :thumbup:
And when I saw them a couple of weeks ago for the first time in years, they both greeted me with "hi Donna" :lol2:
Nothing at all. I do like the weight of a duvet on me, but when we had the really hot weather last month I just used the empty duvet cover. DG got a bit of a shock when she stayed for a few days and followed me up to bed a few hours later - apparently I'd kicked the sheet off in my sleep :giggle: