Quote by cu3b4ll
I suspect I fall into the voy category but it's not something I've thought much about. One sign I suspect is that I find vanilla porn bland and uninteresting, but give me someone's home video and I'm up and running. I suppose the thrill comes from knowing that it's real
Too shy to exhibit though
A lurker surfacing here. I'm simply not in a league with most people here. I'm happily and faithfully married to a sexually conservative wife. where swinging is totally out of the question as a topic let alone reality. But I do still have my kinky side, which is why I lurk here sometimes and read stories. I decided to post now because the theme of this thread sort of catches me in both categories. I like to exhibit my wife so that other men can voyeur her, which I then love watching happen. I kind of get a double forbidden thrill because my wife is very reluctant to let strangers see her body, so pulling that off becomes a challange. The most she will allow, as a favor on a special occaision like my birthday say, .is dressing braless in a somewhat sheer top if we go out of town .
If my wife were more into it, it would be a great addition to our sex life because I always get hot when I know her nipples can be seen in public (no chance on her pussy). As it is though her real embarrassment about being put on display has become part of my thrill when I can arrange it, maybe because it really emphasizes the nature of exposing my wife's body to strangers. I guess It has crossed over into a mild humiliation fetish, because I crave sharing some non vanilla sex with my wife, and if a little sexual humilition is what's available, I'll take it. Otherwise I'm a caring and loving husband
I wrote a detailed true story about about my efforts to expose my wife in public, part with her knowledge and part without, if anyone wants to read it. Be forewarned though that there is a mild non consensual portion of it (exposing my wife to strangers when she was sleeping and couldn't object). It's in the Exhibitionist & Voyeur story area in case anything goes wrong with this link: