Obviously, but thanks for the link - hadn't heard hide nor hair of that one, qulaity press or otherwise.
Older and wiser people please excuse my ignorance here, but I've heard a few people refer to 'the Collymore Incident' in a few different threads.
Exactly what was this ? Is there a thread I could read just to get up to speed ?
Sorry TomB & Moist, but...
1. LotR Trilogy - childhood fantasy well and truly brought to life in an adukt world
2. Godfather trilogy - reminds me of home
3. Amadeus - doesn't need explaining
4. Usual Suspects - just cool
5. Henry V (Olivier version) - 'cos I love pagaentry
My personal rule is they have to make me laugh out loud no matter how many times I watch them.
1. Blackadder.
2. The Office.
3. My Family.
4. Bottom.
The last one appeals to a part of me that has never, ever grown up and probably never, ever will.
Have to agree with Heather......
Can't beat a cold creamy curry first thing in the morning.
kick your granny whilst she's shaving.
2. Life's too short to stuff a mushroom.
3. Life's too short to drink bad wine.
a serious note, NEVER be ashamed to ask if you don't understand.
I agree too, KitKat....
The first night I joined the forum, I spent most of my time in The Cafe, just having a browse and chatting with a few folk who seemed to have something interesting to say / share. I really hope that I get to meet some people through this forum - some genuine and interesting people who only just happen to be interested in the same sexy scene as me.
Truly sorry here if I offend anyone on my first night on the board.
But the disgracefully preachy nature of the site and its suggestion that God is the answer to lust just mystifies me - this was in the DAILY MIRROR :shock:
Inspired, Sappho, and oh so correct.
Nice one.
God, where to start.......
1. To look back in ten years with an extra ten years' wisdom and laugh at the mistakes I've made.
2. An olive farm in Sicily (land of my fathers).
3.A chance to make good on all the mistakes I've made before having to laugh at them in ten years' time.
Some great stuff here, particularly 'Be Yourself'
Personally, I believe that:
'If you don't ask, you don't get'
'The worst they can do is say no'
'The problem is not that people aim too high and miss, but that they aim too low and hit'
Have a grat night peeps.