Years ago I had a bottle of beer from West Germany ( as it was then ). It was meant to be one of the strongest bottled beers in the world at 28% proof. I couldn't even get through a mouthful let alone a whole bottle of the stuff. It was foul. Strange really as I've had stronger beverages than that. Just didn't taste nice.
I think I know the side street that you speak of Kent. I'm astonished that the police herded everyone up there. It's a tiny narrow little street. That sounded like a disaster waiting to happen.
Couldn't agree more about the drunken behaviour. It wrecks it for everyone and can be so dangerous. One of the reasons I stay in on New Years eve. Sorry to hear you had a bad time of it after such good fire works. Hope the rest of the year is better for you.
Didn't Freud also have some stange notion about mens' castration complex with regard to the vagina? In some peculiar way us blokes are meant to envisage teeth inside a girlie's bits. :scared:
Don't know how he worked that out. Stange guy.
I'd like to tell Oscar Wilde he should have stayed with Robbie Ross. He seemed a much nicer person than Alfred Douglas.
Bonk the lovely, plump middle aged mums of two of my pupils. Of course, that would be very unprofessional of me!
Tarantulas have on average 33 different muscles in each leg. Wonderful eh?
Spent most of my childhood in the British Museum. Didn't live all that far from it. I was addicted to the place. One summer holiday I went every single day of the six weeks off school. Wanted to be a Classics master.
Music played a big part in my life from an early age. So I also wanted to be a concert pianist.
Ended up with a degree in Ancient History and teaching guitar for a living. A compromise of sorts!
The smell of seaweed always takes me back to childhood holidays on Winchelsea Beach. No matter which part of the coast I visit these days, as soon as I smell it I am reminded of that time.
Especially of an occasion when I slipped quietly out of the caravan while my mum and dad and sister where still asleep. It was about half five in the morning and I just sat alone on the beach clad only in shorts and a tee shirt. It was cold. I drew my knees up to my chest and just stared at the waves crashing onto the pebbles. It was the only sound I could hear. There wasn't anyone else around. It was one of those special moments that I'll never forget.
I wouldn't trust the post office with anything important. 40% of some promotional material I sent out once wasn't delivered.
I suppose if you're buying something over the net you don't have much say in how it's sent to you. Glad it's arrived for you .
My bad habit : 2nd hand books. I live too near Hay on Wye! Spend far too much time and money there.
On my Homepage where it says Set your mood, there is nothing to set. No little icons. Just a small twirling radar circle sort of thing.
On My Profile : Cant scroll through the text.
On View Profile : Profile text doesn't show up when I try to view it.
"What I'm looking for" is blank when I view it
My Photos : Cant access any of my photos. Again only a twirling radar circle thingy. Can upload a photo but can't submit it.
Anyone else had these funny little twirling circles? I use a Mac (OS X)
Does our concept of "God" have to be anthropormorphic?
It's been a good day. Here's my three :
1) Keeping my Rayburn alight for nearly 12 hours. Kitchen is so cosy.
2) Got a few hours of serious guitar practice done. Need to stay ahead of my pupils.
3) Watching Wales beat the Aussies. Good practise for when they next meet New Zealand.
My profile text has disappeared from the profile that members see although its in the Profile edit. Also who I'm looking for has disappeared from the Profile. Has that happened to anyone else? In the Profile edit, I can't see a list, eg Couple, Single Female, Gay male etc that we used to use to indicate what we were looking for.
When I try to access my Photos they don't appear although 2 are listed.
I've also got these funny twirling circle things spinning 'round like little radar screens on some pages. Anyone know what they are?
What is verification? I'm ignorant of it I'm afraid.
I met up with someone (not from here) and we had a friendly chat on the phone. We met up socially a few times first. On the first meet we found a secluded coffee place and had a quite frank but very friendly chat about likes, dislikes etc. We both knew that the bottom line of our meeting up was for sex so we dealt with "rules" thing straight away.
We both felt afterward that this had been the right approach as we put each other at ease very quickly. The subsequent socially meets gave us sometime to get to know each other a bit more. When we did have sex it was wonderfully relaxed and full of laughter and smiles.
Good luck with your meet Nola and I hope those horrid spots have gone.
I did actually see a sparrow keel over and die. It's the only time I've seen a wild bird die. Hearing the dawn chorus never loses its appeal. One starts and within seconds they're all chattering away. Wonderful!
I think some people may have got the wrong idea about my slowing down. We are talking here about a couple of miles an hour over a mile or so. Not an immediate slamming on of brakes to a snails pace. That would be stupid, illegal and dangerous. As is deliberately preventing someone from overtaking.
But then this thread wasn't originally about overtaking it was about tailgating.