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Over 90 days ago


Saving ze vorld cums before me?? whip Ve have vays of making you stalk!!
Quote by Bandanaman
OK, well as you're back to normal...
So you think I look good in the pink number?

I haf somesink pink you would look good in Bandana Man :twisted:
Now ZIS is amusink! Pepe, I may need your services (such as zey are) after all
Quote by pepe le pew
I ave to say.....noperson luves as you say a frenchman!

Zis is not true monsieur le pew. Unt I vud not sleep viz a skunk, I need somevon far better endowed zan zat!!
I vill try zis vine you speak of Jesus. It cannot be vorse than Liebfraumilch I'm sure
Quote by Bandanaman
Psssst, Vunder Vumman...
Vant to see vot der Ãœberhero iss vearink unter zer kilt? wink

Mmm BandanaMan, now you are speakink my lanvage!!!
Quote by Bandanaman
giving him head

From vot I hear your mous vud need to be so big to fit him zair in Bandanaman. Vhy you sink I chat to him?? :twisted:
Quote by D0NKEY
Vunder Vumman - ah maybe steedly and manly, but ah got this rash ........ see! It's itchy and everything man.

I know vair I can get some lotion Donkey. I'm sure Offensive Man can help me out..... :wanker:
Donkey, zair you are at last! I haf been vaiting for a ride all night! (For veeks actuelly!)
Quote by JessicaRabbit
do you realise how long it takes to look this good every morning ?

Obviously a very long time Mizz Rabbit. Its afternoon already. Some of us look zis good naturally!
Quote by SuperBlonde!
Okey dokey, brian go bye bye, la la la!

Who is zis Brian man?? And vy hasent he reported to me?? Tch. Stupid littel men and now stupid littel vimmen as vell whip for all of you!
Never mind ze rabbit Donkey! I demand zat you tell me if you haf a big donkey errrr how you say? Appendage!
Quote by D0NKEY
Am I the only Ass around?

No Donkey, I'm afraid zat Offensive Man beats you in ze ASS stakes.
May I be so bold as to ask if its true vot zey say about Donkeys?
Tch another seely little man. I sink you know I am not a cow. Do you see udders? Or is it just ze mirrors?
Yahahahahaha I vondered how long it vud take you you stupid little man. But now my stockeengs are all vet. I sink you should slowly peel zem from my lecks. :twisted:
I know vair eet ees........ but you haf to bend over and leek my loffly boots before I veel tell you
Quote by Simba
Oh I dare alright VunderVumman...... :twisted:

Zen you shall feel ze end of my very pretty but also very pointy boot you seely leetle cat. Lion? Pah! I do not sink so!
Quote by Simba
I feel the need to peel some latex

And I feel the need to bite someone......
Vhy not try biting me Simba. if you dare :twisted: