Maz, you poor soul, having some third parties cold hands on you, sounds a bit of a catch 22 that one for you. Sounds like heaven here!
Is it just me or do others find cold hands over your body a turn on? A good stroke of the nuts with cool hand and a clasp on head makes me tingle :~)
Here's a tip. If you want to play away, keep well, well, away from home! Cos it aint worth it mate.
Not really into furry women, sorry. Also prefer env-iron-mentally safe leather. Yes thats the type you dont get your bits caught in the zip!
Is it not just a weely wubbish cwub that Johnathon Woss goes to? Should be called a RANK CLUB?
If he was after a good tharshing he certianly got what was coming to him, teach us newbies to keep in line, eh what!
Och! I would never have found them there!
well.... actually............... that depends on your feet ;)
ok ok you probably right on that one.
I'm rubbish at treasure hunting, you'll just need to tell me where the white bits are, just cant think ;)
Think there's more chance of catching a sheep than someone on here, soooo much tim spent chasing timewasters, **** is there anyone serious in here about meeting, you folks south of the border seem to have an easier time of it? PM me!
You were right! Dont think there are enough women in Scotland! Dont think there ever could be enough women in Scotland! ;)
Hey ho.... over 50 views, not surprised that no-one took up offer. But a bit dissappointed that not even one comment made regarding posting. Even to say "nae chance" or "too short notice" etc. or even " any more details" never mind, sure something'l cum up! :twisted:
Looking to have some fun tomorrow, Bi Guy, 39, clean shaven, would like some sexy company tommorow. Looking for Ladies and/or Gentlemen ;) Cannot accomodate but willing to travel throughout Central Scotland for right person/people. Daytime only NSA fun. Open to your suggestions, weathers a bit crap for outdoors though! Wouldnt say no to group fun if more like minded peeople available. Look forward to your replys and comments X