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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 64
Bisexual Female, 63


I was hoping to get some response from the ladies of SH, we would be most interested in their recommendations!!
Thanks guys, will try the suggested links......Mrs Bal will be pleased!!
We often use porn to enhance our sex life, amongst other things!!, however Mrs Bal is totally fed up with the commercial male orientated standard films, Dry women, terrible voice overs, no orgasms etc etc. What she wants to watch is real people having real sex, women actually having an orgasm, more the amateur filmed at home type. I know other threads have touched on this but can anybody help with some genuine download links, films to buy etc
Just read it......all correct as usual....another crappy article by the crappiest paper
A friend of mine told me this morning that this classy paper carried a large article on swinging last Sunday. Did anybody read this?? Was it any good??
We have a house on the Spanish Balearic island of Menorca & spend most of our summers on this lovely island. If you are ever heading that way in the summer give us a shout, we enjoy nothing better than drinks in the beach bar, lazy afternoons with a drink on the best nudist beach in the Med, followed by an evening drink & meal.....Hmmm seems to be a theme here, no wonder we can't remember most of our holidays....