This is without doubt the most difficult thing to do. To write a piece that gives the chosen audience an idea of who you are and what you have achieved without appearing boastful. You wish to catch the eye and wet the appetite ( steady madam, just the appetite at this stage) but not, and here is the rub....seem boastful in your prose.
I was a professional Army Officer for most of my adult life. 'They' gave me a huge variety of 'jobs' and very few of them led to anything faintly resembling boredom. I had a whale of a time but left on a high and formed a Sailing Company for Yachtsmen and Women. Again, I am having a real blast.
I am a recycled single man. I keep fit with a road race bike and a bit of swimming. Work on the yachts is fairly physical too so the body stay in good order. Teaching Navigation and Meteorology as well as the skills to skipper a yacht keep the mind sharp too.
I love great wines, marvellous food and lovely company. Banter is what I grew up with and what I enjoyed enormously as a soldier. I am often told that not all situations have humour in them ! Really? I know it is not best popular but you HAVE to see you the funny side of even the most serious things. I just love good company and that is what I miss most with passion coming a close second behind it.
Being totally honest I am not seeking a 'Wham bam Thank you Ma'am' series of relationships. It does not float my boat. I love the good company and there is so much more to be gained if you know and like each other. Passion is not just a function or a utility for me.
So I guess some of you will say ' He is on the wrong site'. Perhaps , but I have a hunch some of you are seeking the same as I am.......and, although it may be private and personal, a slice of loyalty too.
Finally, I am not in the first flush of youth but the body and mind are very sound. I am very straight. I have in the last few years enjoyed passion and love with ladies in their twenties , their forties and fifties so I do not judge a woman by her age, but by her personality, beauty, sexiness and yes I am afraid so.....her enjoyment of sharp wit and good banter.
If this catches your eye, and you would like to know what we have in common, then send me an invitation. I will answer all , even if it is not what you wish to hear.