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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 50
Straight Male, 53
0 miles · Staffordshire


We are not in Sheffield this weekend as we are getting married on Saturday (yay!!), but we have had 'fun' in Greno woods before..... And there are a couple of car-parks near midhope heading towards flouch that 'occasionally' have seen action as well.
Hope you find what your looking for,
bbw_babe. xx
Heya hunni
I know I am still in recovery but we wouldn't miss it! How could we not see you guys before Chrimbo! We will be there and bringing another couple....
See you soon!!! XXXXXXXXXXXX
Hi everyone It's Mr Bbw babe here
As some of you are aware mrs bbw_babe was taken ill last week and admitted to hospital. Unfortunatley she is still very poorly and will be having an operation soon. Because of this fact and the little time I have between work and attending her bedside daily we have decided to cancel the munch at this time with a view to holding it once bbw_babe is better and able to organise things.
Thank you to all those who confirmed in emails and also to those that have sent bbw_babe well wishes. I do pass them all on and I am sure once she is better she will post a reply herslf.
Funnily enough she did try to get on the site from her hospital bed on the internet nework they now have on the wards. Access was denied!! lol
Thanks again and sorry for the cancellation
Mr bbw_babe
Quote by tradsweet
Where in Lincs is it? :lickface:

If you wish to attend, a polite message along with a contact number will get you the location.
Obviously, we cannot just name the venue in public, as is the norm for most socials.
Quote by deancannock
well..firstly 1st sept ..thats a very difficult if you got to work next day !!!.....most socials are on friday or sat night. secondly the cost will put alot off. £25 a head is not cheap. I am sure it is nice food etc etc....but personally I prefer just a drink and dance at a social....and maybe a few nibbles !!!!
Just thoughts as you did ask.....I do wish you luck, as i know organising these things are very difficult.

Hiya Dean,
Many thanks for your reply.
Yes, we fully understand every 'critisism' that you mention, but in answer to your comments it had to be mid-week, as obviously the restaurant is VERY busy at the weekend, and whilst they were willing to let us have it at the weekend the cost would have been prohibitive so mid-week it had to be.
Cost? Hmmmm, not sure about that one tbh...... We chose the 1st so that most people would have been paid. £25 is just the price of a good meal at a good pub.... Yes, you can get a meal for a fiver at 'some' pubs, but this isn't 'some' chinese.....
We agreed to organise this event after hearing people 'moan' that 'other' socials were too 'vanilla'. Well, we have organized it, and tbh the response has been embarrassing.
Thank goodness we are members of 'other' sites who have held their end of the bargain up.
Disappointedly yours, (but not having a go at you Dean!!)
The list will be closing on Wednesday.....
We can't believe that you haven't shown more interest in this event..... We have around 50 confirmed attendees from other sites, but only a hand full on here.... Be honest, and tell us whats wrong!
Well we have had many, many nice cars in the past. Including, but not exclusive, Porsche 911 Carrera 4, several CLK mercedes, ML 320 sport mercedes, ZT 260 V8 rover, Audi 3.2 A4 quattro, Brabus four-four, etc etc etc.....
But, after a VERY nasty divorce from a VERY bitter VERY ex wife, we have been a little broke recently, so have had to make do with a Shogun Sport and a Jeep Cherokee.....
BUT..... Against the best attempts of mr bbw_babe's EX-wife and the CSA, we are slowly getting on our feet again, and......
We are treating ourselves later this year!!!

Its a SL55.... 517 bhp, 0-60 in 4.2 seconds..... only thing is, they dont do it in pink, so silver will have to do!
Probably a little too late, but we also helped out testing the other 'new' bits of the site, and if you need help again then just let us know!
We are also free during the day, most days, if this helps!
Heya Bouncies!!!!
Thanks for organising another fab social night... we had such a good time and our friends that came with us are now going to attend the socials as well....
Was lovely to see all the faces again old and new...
Can't wait til the next one.... and no more mentions of belly buttons please!!! xxxxxxx
Love to you all
bbw_babe xxxx
Ok..... bumping this up now as it's only 3 weeks to the social and would like to get some confirmed names on the list. As said before this is also advertised on some other sites and we are almost at he required amount to hold the event, so don't be shy.... it's going to be a fab night if we can get this off the ground....
Hope to see you on the 1st!
bbw_babe xxxx
Awwww Thanks everyone!!!! Well I am home... was only a 3 day stint in the hossi thank God! But I do have to go back in a few weeks for an op. I have Gall stones of all things! and a couple got trapped in the duct and made me a bit poorly.... but my gall bladder is too imflamed for the op at the mo so they have said I can come home as long as I rest and take my meds here..... so I now have mr bbw and missy as my nurses for the weekend!!! It's gonna be hell!!! lol
Thanks for your kind wishes and thoughts... It means alot xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hiya all
Thought we would see if anyone is out and about in Lincs tonight. We are going to a "new to us" location which is South of Lincoln...Not far from Waddington. If any couples or females fancy a run out then please message us and we will send you the location.
Lets hope it's as good as we have been told it is......
snogs to you all
bbw_babe xxx
well, you lot missed out on an awesome night!!!!
We had a real blast, and LOTS of kinky fun!!!!
If anyone thinks dogging is dead, then you are going to the wrong places, with the wrong attitude........
bbw_babe xx
Any couples into bbw's up blid tonight? We are thinking of popping up there again tonight but fancy meeting up with couples/elusive single females :grin:.....
Feel free to drop us a line and let us know if you are popping up there and roughly what time.
Thanks for reading!
bbw_babe xxx
Hiya babes!
Guess you missed our post over on 'tother site........ blink
We have already booked a room, so we had better get an invite, or there will be bother! lol
And when else would I be able to give the GEORGEOUS Dessie and Dave there VERY special present if we dont come????
Love and cuddles,
bbw_babe. xx
Hello you two!
It was really nice to meet you last night...... We had a real giggle, didnt we??!!
Hope to see you out and about again soon,
bbw_babe. xx
Ok, the date is now confirmed as Wednesday the 1st of September.
Come on peeps, lets make this happen, it will be a riot!!!
bbw_babe. xxxxx
safe to say he is now on my ignore list!! never had one before but I do now! lol xx
Staggerlee... I am considoring copying and pasting your reply.... we both laughed at that response!! awesome!
It's good to know that it's not just me that takes their time to reply to messages. It is all about having fun and being a couple we discuss everything....
Funny thing was he put on the end of the message that it is our loss we haven't replied.... I am now thinking I am soooo happy we didn't reply!
Dirtygirly.... funnily enough his first message was along the lines of "I want to put my tongue in your hole"!!!!!! Such romance... how is a girl to contain herself! :smitten:
Hi all,
I just have to ask everyone what their normal response time is for a message....
I only ask because I am shocked at a message I have just received on the site basically cussing me for not being genuine, just because I didn't reply within 24 hours!
I popped online last night just before bed and saw I had a few messages and quickly read them with view to responding today after I had shown my other half.
I came online 5 minutes ago and went to my inbox where I had a few more messages and 1 of them was from someone that had messaged me last night telling me I am a time waster and that I am not worth bothering about because I had not replied immediately!!!
It is quite a rude email all in all and if it weren't for me being too bloody polite I would cut and paste it in here and name and shame the idiot...
(Just a little riled here!)
So I am just curious how long other people take to reply to a message... is 24 hours classed as being too long these days??
thanks in advance for any replies to this post....
from a genuine non timewaster.... who is just a little slow to respond smile aka bbw_babe xx
Hiya everyone!!!
Ok, we have been to our fair share of socials, so we thought that we would have a go at organising our own.
This one is a little different!!!
As I am sure you are all aware, socials are 'normally' quite 'vanilla' in both a dress and behavioural sence. This is where this social is different....... We have managed to locate a venue that would be willing to host a social where we are allowed to dress up as we please!!! ANYTHING goes, but NO NUDITY...... Hey, come on, its still a munch, lmao!!!
Again, the venue is a little different as far as munch venues go. 'Our' venue is actually a chinese restaurant!!
It has a capacity to seat 100 people, and it also has a function room, which is just awesome...... It has a black mirrored wall at one end, granite tiles to the floor, and a kicking Karaoke system.
The owners are ofcourse fully aware of what we are arranging, and they have also asked the staff if they are ok with it, and they said hell yeah!!!! lol. The owners have also suggested a special menu just for us, which would consist of a 4 course banquet...... The cost would be in the region of £25 per person. This is what the restaurant charge; We are making diddly squat from it!
The date is confirmed as the 1st of September.
Ok, hope this creates some interest!
Hope to hear from LOTS of you VERY soon,
bbw_babe. xxxxxx
I have to agree with most on this thread that the empire certainly makes for an interesting day out!!!
We had a fab time there, and have often said it would be a great place to meet another couple or 2 and have a fun time in a safe environment.
As long as you know what it is.... ie an adult cinema, and don't expect the Ritz you will have a fab time, and if you want to shy away for a while then the couples room is very comfy. We ended up playing in there for an hour lol
The staff are friendly, and couples and females are made very welcome.
If you want to try something a bit different and like the attention of lots of men then it's deffo the place for you....
If you don't want too many men then all you have to do is say, we never had any bother there. Just a great afternoon!
Hiya Dean!
Can you please put us down too?
Thanks hun,
bbw_babe xx
Hi there!
This is a GENUINE advert; Please help me fulfill a fantasy!!!
After MANY years of soft-swinging with just couples, I am seeking my very first single male..... Whooo hoooo!!!
I am very, very choosy...... No offence, I just am!!! lol
There are a few box's that you must tick for you to impress me.
First and foremost, you MUST be a bbw lover; I am a size 30 with 50 FF boobs; If big is not VERY much your thing, then I would not be interested in you, simple as. I do not need sympathy, and neither do I 'need' cock; My husband provides everything and more for me. This is JUST a fantasy....
Secondly, my husband will be present, and will be very much involved. He is straight, but is 100% ok with male to male contact during sex.
Third, and just as important as the first, safe-sex is a must. Oral is ok, but any penetrative sex WILL be with a condom; No ifs, no buts.
Fourth and finally, the meet will take place at a hotel of our choice, and we would like you to at least contribute to the cost. I do have a little 'scenario' in my mind of what I would like to happen before we get to the room, and we need a hotel/pub in order to achieve this.
Well, if you are still reading this, I guess that you are still interested...... Please take the time to read and re-read this advert before replying, and like I said right at the beginning I am very choosy, so please don't be offended if you are not chosen, but I promise to reply to each and every one of you that replies.
Hope to hear from you soon,
bbw_babe. xx
Many thanks once again must goto the Bouncy's for yet another FANTASTIC evening...... We too have organized socials before so we appreciate the amount of work required to make them work....
Thank you hun. xxxxxx
Hiya both of you.......
What can we say except thank-you for a fab time and for driving the extra distance to meet us.
We both had such a good time and we will definately keep an eye on the forums for your next excursion!
Can't believe how many 'puddles' we made, lmao!!!!
Hope to see you both very soon,
bbw_babe. xxx
Depending on where you are planning on playing, we might be interested in a bit of watch/be watched.......
Let us know if your interested???
bbw_babe. x
Hiya everyone!
I am a VERY bi-sexual bbw, and tonight we are off out to the Mansfield 'area' looking for women similar in build to myself for some hot and horny fun........ We may also be interested in meeting a convincing T-girl as well.....
Looking forward to (hopefully!!) some replies,
bbw_babe. xxx
Hiya, where are you thinking of going? We too might be out and about!