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Over 90 days ago


Sorry I was an absent devil - I'd intended to have a split personality but I never got one of 'em off the ground - too pre-occupied. But I'm a happy little devil now :twisted:
Quote by Cohen The Barbarian
Defenders of SH Towers, we are surrounded by evil, foul smelling perverts (and their dogs)! We must batten down the hatches and prepare for attack! I think that bloody halfwit Jason's fell asleep on the job. one of you go and find him while i go and close the shutters in my boudoir, then we must all sleep in one room (safety in numbers?). OK then, shag and sleep :twisted: if we must, but then i really need to get my beauty sleep and rest up for a long weekend's battle!

Allow me to carry you to your chambers/ bed/ ecstasy young lady!
g'wan then, ya sexy bugger wink
Your pleasure is mine, ma'am kiss 69position
Heh, I'm quite a nice Beebub really - can I come and join in with the defenders - please? confused :?
OK Beebub here - realising he hasn't turned on STENTORIAN voice mode (dammit)... here goes.....
Methinks I recognise a certain posting style between Tapste, Cohen and Bildad- an unholy alliance if ever there was!
Quote by Cohen The Barbarian
is the this place has to offer - muscley but - I to - out of my way

Quote by Beelzebubwords that I don't have a fuckin clue
Huh such defence puny disdain acknowledge such bumptious effrontery pip-squeak!!

Could you run that by me once more Beebub (a loobub, she's my baby :karaoke: )
dunno :confused:
Fuck off!
Quote by Feisty_Fiona
I meant the virgins lol

C'mere my little feisty one - I can show you a thing or two with a horn on it! :twisted: :twisted:
Access Denied!!!
Shouldn't stand with me legs apart saying that if I was you mate! Besides do you know you are dealing with the great Beelze... a fuck it Beebub!
Quote by Berkules
is the this place has to offer - muscley but - I to - out of my way

Quote by Beelzebubwords that I don't have a fuckin clue
Huh such defence puny disdain acknowledge such bumptious effrontery pip-squeak!!

Could you run that by me once more Beebub (a loobub, she's my baby :karaoke: )
dunno :confused:
Fuck off!
Quote by Feisty_Fiona
I meant the virgins lol

C'mere my little feisty one - I can show you a thing or two with a horn on it! :twisted: :twisted:
S'awright the evils are gonna win this hands down the indigs and heroes are all looking to shag eachother! We'll get 'em when their backs are turned HEHEHEHE!
Quote by Berkules
Never Fear!!!
Berkules is here"""" (who just moved the fuckin exclamation marks mad )
Berkules by name
Berking by nature
Stand back, I am here to save the Worrrrrrrrld
<cue applause> please rolleyes

Huh such is the defence this place has to offer - muscley but puny - I disdain to acknowledge such bumptious effrontery - out of my way pip-squeak!!
OK Sod the bloody avatar then (mind you any tips'll be handy). This is the death knell of Swinging Heaven.
Beelzebub is here and I tell you the earth shudders beneath my feet so SH Towers has no chance of survival - besides it's not evil enough for my liking!!