Single 42yr male??still unsure on that issue lim slim&slender bisexual guy but also love's to crossdress and is very much intouch and in mutual perfect harmony with his inner feminine side and loves nothing more then to lock up shut all the curtains and run a hot bubble bath and shave&wax&de-hair entire body till im fully smooth&soft&groomed fully babyoiled my false eyelashes &nails&applied and painted my make up on contacts in choose which wig but normally I prefy straight long jet black Asian far east styles I adore silk&satin French knickers 2piece camille sets and Basque&panties and transformation from simon to mia is complete and then settle down for the evening with a nice glass of red wine and log on to my collection of swing ing sites and sex meeting sites and chat'meet and play to my heArts content with fellow bisexual/gay single s and couples tv' ts 'cd transgender pre op and full lady s in and around Coventry qnd the midlands area..