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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 46
0 miles · Essex


hi there, another single black guy. would be more than interested. hope to hear back from you
Quite interested in the whole "club" scene, never been before. After doing a bit of reading, I've decided to give Rios a try, but would rather go along with a female than be one of those "irritating single guys" I keep reading about in all the reviews. I'd love to hear from anyone interested, all my info is on my profile, and any additional info/photos will be given if requested
well on the strength of the potential guestlist, I would hate to miss out on all the fun! biggrin
had a great time, nice meeting you all. spent the whole night chatting to the girls and having my ears tormented by that godawful "music" biggrin
I live right round the corner from Kingston, and would love to be included (if not too late!). Can I please be put down as a possible? I should be able to make it, but if I'm unable to, I will let everyone know in good time
Maverick, I wouldn't pay any attention if I were you. It's well known here that certain members on here have a habit of giving stick to anyone here who posts anything they don't approve of, when it would be far easier to simply ignore it. If you get any responses from here, then good on you, and if not, then hard luck, but don't trouble yourself replying to everyone who finds something wrong with what you've posted. sure some people may find it slightly offensive, but I daresay others might find it funny. As far as I'm aware, you didn't set out to offend, and you've been apologetic in advance just in case
sorry to hear about your letdown, it's obviously annoying. but can i just point out that not ALL guys are like this. there are undoubtedly a lot of timewasters, but then again, there are probably just as many female timewasters (i should know, i've been stood up by plenty of them!)
as you've correctly identified, maybe most men are in love with the idea of a gangbang, but are unable to actually go through with it. this may have something to do with guys feeling inadequate in front of other guys etc etc but perhaps that's best left for another discussion.
it's a pity i've been away from the site for a while, because i would have been interested, but good luck in all your future searches, and i hope you haven't been put off for good
Quote by Mal
I personally feel that this IS another case of you being offended that you haven't had replies. You are one of many thousands and has been said time after time after time after time that you just have to put up with non-replies to your replies as much as they have to put up with loads of replies from people who don't match what they are looking for.
We hear this at least every week.
Deal with it and move on.

as you clearly have not been able to glean from my original post, i am not offended. frustrated, yes (as anyone else would be), but definitely not offended. and believe it or not, i have absolutely no problem with not matching up to what someone else may be looking for. in fact, quite a few of the people i'm friendly with on here have told me i wasn't what they were looking for, but i've had no problem making friends with them. i just think that it's courteous, if someone has made the conscious effort to respond to you in the manner you've requested, to reply. after all, everyone here swears blind that swinging is about making friends and not just about sex, so what can possibly be more friendly than a reply, be it positive or negative? i've been contacted by many a gay fella on here, more than i'd care to remember, but i'm still polite enough to let them know i'm not that way inclined
Quote by fabio grooverider

3) i do understand that this community is primarily for couples and single females

! second that :?
Actually while we are at it with the "what's the points" Please do prey tell as to what you are going to do with a gay single female.... or a gay female couple??????? :? :? :? dunno :dunno:
keeping my options open, obviously! nah, believe it or not, i have gay female friends i've played with before. of course you'll probably argue that this technically makes them bisexual. i dunno.....
Quote by PoloLady

3) i do understand that this community is primarily for couples and single females

as in, they seem to be the main movers and shakers here
whoops! sorry, i never even thought to chek there. just assumed this was where to post this redface
Hiya all.....
First of all, let me make a couple of things clear:
1) this is not an angry rant
2) i am not a new member on here simply looking for a quick conquest
3) i do understand that this community is primarily for couples and single females
4) this is not an angry rant lol
okay, with all that out of the way, I just wanna find out why there appears to be so many timewasters on this site. i have been a member of this site for a while (way before the all-singing all-dancing changes), have taken the time out to create a profile as well as an ad and pics, and am also a regular on the chatrooms. whenever i trawl through ads and profiles, or chat in the rooms, I always hear the ladies complaining about most single guys just expect a quick shag, don't have pics in their profiles, and don't take the time to string a few senteces together when making an ad or replying to one. i fully understand why this puts everybody off, but why is it that the few of us (and by that, i must confess to selfishly only referring to myself smile ) that DO make an effort to be conversational rather than pushy, that DO have genuine pics, and that WILL take the time to write a bit more than the dreaded one-or-two-liner still get ignored? surely it can't take too much to respond to replies, even if just to say a brief "thanks but no thanks".
i presume most women on here probably get inundated with responses, but if there are as few genuine responses as has been made out, then it can't be that difficult to respond, can it? for the amount of ads i've responded to, i've received relatively few replies, and most of those aren't even up to much. after ages on this site i've only had one "meet" where the "lady" turned out to be an absolute hulk of a man :shock:
apologies if this comes across as whiny, i'd just appreciate some feedback from forum members as to what i'm doing wrong
so is the forum better than the chatrooms then? cos i find those chatrooms next to useless
I am helping blacklondonmale to look for a nice lady (shut up at the back ) or a naughty one with a view to meeting up. I am posting this so everyone knows that I am fully aware and he has my full blessing icon_
I have done him an ad which can be found in my signature at the bottom. icon_
blacklondonmale lol
PS: the other ad seemed to be a success, so i thought i'd copy!!! hope i ain't offending anyone