The site freezes for lots of people, thought as much
Since the new chat software was introduced (which crashes every 30 seconds or so, rendering it as much use as a chocolate fire guard) the whole site has been crashing on us all the time.
We are using IE8, site seems ok with Firefox - is anybody else experiencing problems?
Hi James,
.jpg or .jpeg is a file format for graphics (picture) files. Pronounced JAYPEG this is the most common graphics file format in the world. The site will only allow you to upload graphics files that are in this format. It sounds to me like your pictures are in another format. Check the file extension (last 3 or 4 letters after the dot) if it does not end in .jpg or .jpeg then it is not a jaypeg.
The solution is simple. Open your graphics files (pictures) in a program called PAINT (you will find it on the menu in the “Accessories” folder). Click FILE then SAVE AS. You now have the option to save the file in numerous file types including jaypeg – job done.