Hi we are a couple based in Llanelli , he is a tall version of Tom Cruise, she is a cross between Angelina Jolie and Cameran Diaz, between us we own four of the largest oil rigs in Kuwait, two major European airlines, taught Sting everything he knows about tantric sex , won 12 gold?s at the last Olympics and are one step away from inventing a perpetual motion machine, all you have to do to meet us is gain the approval of a couple we know who placed this ad?.. seriously we are a normal couple rapidly heading towards our fifties, we are overweight, unfit and enjoy most vices ever invented except pain, we do enjoy fun and have a wicked sense of humour, we enjoy adult company whether it be in a private room with baby oil dripping off the ceilings and various appliances requiring AA batteries writhing on the floor, or to simple adult conversations over a drink. If you haven?t set your sights too high and would like to get to know us better then drop us a quickie message and we?ll be in touch.