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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 52
0 miles · West Midlands


Quote by Erectoman
And I've never had such fun down a hole with someone holding my erection (not quite) straight. :lol2:

I wondered if anyone would pick up on the straight comment :lol2:
Quote by Erectoman
Well you must've been if I got you gel!! lol
Join the very obvious club - it's populated by the very best of people! kiss

Damn, I must try harder to stop laughing and concentrate next time :lol2:
Quote by Artemis
Managed to get out of that one, phew!
Right I think... Captain nipple thing is ..
London Plaything...

Woooooooohhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooo I fooled someone :giggle:
Quote by Erectoman
I know who Captain_Areola is :giggle:

That's not a female pair of legs coming out the bottom of that bucket is it?
Possibly :giggle:
Quote by Buffyvampslayer
Excellent fun biggrin Can we start guessing now????

Does anyone NOT know who Erectoman is dunno
Quote by Erectoman
well i went to the wrong place, should have gone to he vulva first what now dunno

You said vulva redface
I'll be back in a minute bolt
tissue??? :sticky: :bolt:
rotflmao :rotflmao: Strangely enough he said he didn't need a tissue when he was holding my erection.
But I'm straight, honest :rotflmao:
Quote by Hiro_nakamura
im bloody nackered now any one for :cheers: drinkies

Yes please :thumbup:
Quote by Artemis
well i went to the wrong place, should have gone to he vulva first what now dunno

You said vulva redface
I'll be back in a minute bolt
tissue??? :sticky: :bolt:
Fraid so surprisedops:
Quote by Erectoman
That's alright - stick yer finger in here for a minute.

redface surprisedops: :oops:
Quote by Erectoman
You didn't quite keep that straight did you? wink lol

Nothing wrong with a bit of kink :twisted:
Quote by Erectoman
Erection stretching fine - please ask Capt Arolae to keep it straight.

I was trying but I ain't used to holdin erections :eeek:
I kinda liked it but didn't need the kleenex :twisted:
Quote by Wonder-pets
Ok so we got Hiro on the seat good man smile Erecto man perhaps you could go down the hole and investigate the effects on the inside. You can choose to try and avoid the juice Hiro will be throwing or not lol Sounds a bit like its a Knock out rotflmao

Anything I can do to help dudes :twisted:
Quote by Buffyvampslayer

Lot of bloody use you are in the quest to save Planet Clitoris :lol2:

What do you epxect, I'm male rolleyes
Or am I rotflmao
Quote by Hiro_nakamura
well i went to the wrong place, should have gone to he vulva first what now dunno

You said vulva redface
I'll be back in a minute bolt
Quote by Buffyvampslayer
rotflmao :rotflmao:
I was going to offer to try and bite through it but I'm in stitches too

You're not biting my cock :eeek: :eeek: :eeek:
Well only gently :twisted::twisted::twisted:
Quote by Thrud
Thrud passes Captain-Areola a pack of super absorbent loin cloths with wings

Do they come in extra large dunno

Turd, sorry I mean Thrud, what we going to do about Clitorus anyway mate :dunno:
Quote by Hiro_nakamura
if you think I'm getting my cock out with Thrud around think again

I'm not scared, his axe won't get through my girth :smug:
(OK now I'm pissing myself at my own bollox)
Quote by Buffyvampslayer

Now boys, boys, play nicely but can we have the cock joust anyway, I am in the mood for some superhero on superhero erotica :grin:

Just don't say anything rude or suggestive or I'll peak too early redface
I have my cock in my hand and I'm ready to bash someone with it :twisted:
Quote by Buffyvampslayer

Oooh can I use one of those snappy back ones, can I, can I?
redface Hope it didn't hurt too much when I let it go? :giggle:

Pain, I like your thinking :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by Fahrenheit

From what I've heard Captain Areola's big hose is about as much use as a chocolate teapot rolleyes

Theres only one way to find out darlin :rascal: :twisted:
Is that an offer or a threat :confused2:
It was supposed to be an offer rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
But then you've turned me down once before innocent
Quote by Hiro_nakamura
mmmnmnmmmmm borrow mmmnmmmnmnmm my mnmmmnmnnmnm microslide nmnmnnmmnmmnm should mnmnmnmmmmmm plenty mmnmmnnmnmn long mnmnmnmnmnmnmm enough

Oi you cheeky four eyed git :kick:
I'd challenge you to a cock joust any day!
Quote by Buffyvampslayer

Just how big is that hose by the way :twisted:

Why don't you find yourself a tape measure and see for yourself :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by Fahrenheit
From what I've heard Captain Areola's big hose is about as much use as a chocolate teapot rolleyes

Theres only one way to find out darlin :rascal: :twisted:
Quote by Buffyvampslayer

You have to get me on fire first before using that hose on me :grin:

I have a box of matches dunno
Quote by Buffyvampslayer

blimy how long does it take to get THE CLITORUS wet then

If a jobs worth doing, it's worth doing properly :twisted: Battles are not won and planets not saved without plenty of preparation :grin:
Please let me help you get wet :rascal:
I'll bring my big hose :twisted:
Quote by Bat-minx
you are more than welcome to lick my areola, though they make break your teeth!

I'll take my teeth out :twisted:
*Lick, lickity, slobber, slurp, nibble, suck, mmmmmmmmm
you so know how to impress a bat, dontchya rolleyes
Hey I'm trying my best but with nipples of steel its not easy :eeek: