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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 49
Bi-curious Male, 50
0 miles · South Yorkshire


Hi. Are there any couples or bi fems who would like some fun this evening?
OMG i should be fast asleep in bed rather than chatting with peeps on msn!!
Well i'm known for not only smiling at but talking to everyone i get the chance to. I love meeting new people, young, old or somewhere in between!! We should be more polite to people, or indeedy cheeky to an extent silly
CA x x x
OK - it seems there is enough interest for me look in to this. I'll dig out some details and post them when I have them smile
LOL Jags - good to see you again lol
Sassy - that's a shame honey but have fun
Funtimes and Paul_ann - keep your eyes peeled - info will be posted shortly :)
CA x x x
We may even open up the back of the car as a bar again cool
not so subtle bump lol
CA x x x
Hi combat,
I just had a panic attack as we're doing camping events on the same date.................but I've just seen that we'll be quite a few miles away from each other lol
Hope you lot have fun smile
CA x x x
Hi everyone. I'm just putting some feelers out regarding a camping weekend in the Peak District (due to it being a relatively central location) towards the end of June.
If there is enough positive response, I'll find out more details smile
CA x x x
I'm sorry to say that i've just checked out the rules page on the location website and have come across this..............
Motorcycles and Bicycles
Campers using bicycles must wear crash Helmets. Motor Cycles or motor scooters etc are not allowed
evil :shock: mad :!: :evil: :shock: :x :!:
Soooo - it looks like all bikes will have to stay at home sad :(
CA x x x
Nice one easy n kate smile
I've finally got round to doing my test and now have a ZZR600 so might be coming on her!!!
Meaty - cheeky as ever I see lol. Shame you can't make it but I'm sure you'll have fun the following weekend :)
CA x x x
Hi everyone. I'm really sorry but due to an oversight on my part, this camping trip has been cancelled. All interested people will receive a PM shortly.
Once again, please accept my apologies but do keep an out out for the Peak District camping in June smile
CA x x x
Nothing like leaving it to the last minute............but........the hotel is now booked and we're looking forward to seeing you all again smile
CA n RD x x x
Quote by mazandden
Can we be put down as provisionals pretty please, providing Den can get time off work?!
M & D xx

Carrieann gives Den permission to take time off work :giggle:
CA x x x
Quote by easy
Room for a little one please? biggrin
As a shy new member... *casually puts hand over post count* .... if I was invited could I have a gland... redface :doh: I mean hand rolleyes holder please. :D

Aaaahhhh easy.........i'll hold your gland.........errrrr hand wink
CA x
OMG - it's been ages since I've been in the cafe...........but the first post I read has me roflmfao!!!!!!! Nice one :giggle:
CA x x x
It's a shame you don't live closer as you sound like the kind of people we're looking to meet :cry:
Good luck with your search though x
I'm really sorry but we're not going to be able to make it tonight, due to the fact that if we do get the predicted rain, I still have to get to the horses in the morning and don't want to get stuck anywhere :dry:
Hope you all have a great time and don't get flooded out.
Ooh Maz - long time no speak - perhaps we need to get re-aquainted :twisted: :twisted:
rotflmao You have him summed up so well in such a short spaced of time :giggle:
CA x
Quote by Shireen
I would expect at least a milky way as well but i draw a line at a finger of fudge :twisted: lol

Now dont fib.... I heard you say that you wouldn't do it unless a finger of fudge was involved wink
You tell him Shireen......................I've been saying for ages that he's in denial...................and not the wet thingy in Egypt :giggle:
CA x
Quote by essex34m
Eeeeerrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmm redface I think I had accosted you at that point surprisedops:
CA x

What you will do for a tube of smarties rolleyes lol
no idea, but could she put a fruit pastille in her mouth without chewing it?
You only got a fruit pastel essex????? rotflmao
CA x
Eeeeerrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmm redface I think I had accosted you at that point surprisedops:
CA x
Firstly can I say a very happy birthday and a HUGE thanks to Sarah kiss
I've finally recovered enough now (and look a little better too Roger!!) to post redface
We had a fantastic night and met loads of new people. It was great to see all the people we already know again too biggrin It would take faaar to long to do the individual 'good to see you etc' so I'll just say it was great to see you all :giggle:
Hope to do it again soon.
CA x