Beginner swingers Public 56 56 Members 4 4 Posts 1 1 Media a group for anyone starting off in swinger; anyone that wants to give a hand to those starting off - young and older
Benidorm Sex Private 81 81 Members 13 13 Posts 2 2 Media A group for English speaking couples and singles to make friends in and around Benidorm on the Costa Blanca, Spain.
North West Swingers (UK) Invite Only 1.8k 1.8k Members 105 105 Posts 49 49 Media A group, for the North West!
NW Doggers 2 Public 1.1k 1.1k Members 64 64 Posts 35 35 Media A non-private dogging group for all couples interested in dogging in the NW, note this group you can join even if we dont know you