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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 71
0 miles · Monmouthshire


Kissing and looking into each other's eyes at the same time is a total turn on for me.
My three would be : Oscar Wilde, Iannis Xenakis and Dora Carrington
For me, Dora Carrington and Joe Orton. Just imagine the pillow talk! lol
Quote by Staggerlee_BB
Surely most of my generation found the soggy swollen jazz mag in the woods ??

That reminds me of when I was at school. We were playing in a school cricket match and I was in the side that was batting. We were at one of those old L.C.C. sports grounds and sitting on the grass waiting for our turn. One of the boys went into some bushes for a wee and found a huge box of porn books. When the next batsman was out, nobody came onto the field to replace him. We'd all disappeared into the bushes! lol
I've always found 'Arora' by Xenakis very sensuous. Also any music played on a Sarod.
I don't really regard myself as an expert in anything but the following 3 topics I have studied most. 1) Acoustic Blues Guitar
2) Anatomy of Spiders
3) Greek and Roman Religion
Hmmm...a nice mix!
Quote by hughes_two
here's one for the pubic hair lovers out there.. Imagine if pubic hair didn't stop at a certain length and grew like the hair on your head :eeek:

It would make "Shagging someone's brains out," more meaningful! lol
In the supermarket today, I watched a small child adding things to the family shop. When mum left the trolley to look at something in the chill cabinet, junior quickly ran to the chill cabinet opposite, grabbed something at random and quietly dropped it into the trolley. Did it several times. Made me chuckle.
Quote by Max777
Anyone actually got their music chosen?

Got two pieces in mind a)The Parting Glass sung by the Wailing Jennys
b) In A Silent Way (the live version) played by Weather Report.
I intend to conduct my own funeral via a CD. It will be full of laughter and music. The above tracks are for the more serious moment but the rest will be a mad mix of jazz, blues, Avant Garde; Music from around the world and my own compositions and any of my fellow musicians who should want to perform.
I often play the 'I wonder...' game but in a different way. I'm sure others must do this too. Living where I do, there are lots of ruined castles, abbeys etc and when I walk around them I often ask myself things like..'I wonder how many times oral sex was performed in this room..' or..'I wonder what quantity of semen has been ejaculated within these castle/priory walls..' I imagine all sorts of human sexual activities in these places. Recently I was at Raglan castle and wondered how much shagging might have taken place in the great kitchens.
I wonder if there is a post graduate research degree in there somewhere!
Reading some of the above posts has reminded me of some of the sweets i used to eat and drink as a kid.
a) Pez : A peculiar little brick shaped sweet that you would get out of container with Popeye's head on it. You pulled his head back and out came the sweet.
b) Fling : A soft drink that tasted of barley sugar. We used to put a spoonful of sugar in it and spray each other with the froth.
c) Jamboree bags. : A bag of sweets with a dreadful little plastic toy in it stamped 'made in Hong Kong' On the outside of the bag was printed a picture of boy scouts outside a tent.
Evyrali by Xenakis. Just the thought of it is turning me on. Might have to go and find it on YouTube
There's nothing like the sound of a British bike. Used to have a Bonny. Purple. Wonderful machine. Went up to the Isle of Skye on it. Journeyed back in a single day. Bike was fine but my balls weren't!
The area around the Black Mountains is wonderful. I'm so lucky to be living here.
This is something I've often thought about and I still can't come to a conclusion. When I was married my wife and I would have MFM threesomes with my friends and it used to turn me on something wicked to see her having sex with them. In later years, after we were divorced (we're still great friends) I would find the thought of a lover having sex with someone else a real turn on. I remember on one occasion, my lover at the time admitting to me that she'd gone to bed with someone else and far from feeling hurt I became really randy and we had a terrific love making session. I don't know what causes it but for a lot of people it's a real pleasure to see their partner having sex with someone else. It's also nice to witness the pleasure that the partner gets from it. Very interesting.
A former lover and I had a dildo we called St Augustine ...does that count?
I've recently started taking my Backgammon set down to a pub in the next village with a musician friend of mine. Great fun!
Porridge cooked with banana and dates and sometimes sprinkled with cinnamon. Yum Yum Yum .
Getting the complete set of BBC Shakespeare dvds at last! ...Heaven....well, almost!
Being a pro guitarist, guitar music has often been playing quietly in the background when I've made love. Some of the slower to medium pace Etudes by Sor are particularly nice for those warm cuddly moments.
Here's something I never thought would happen in my lifetime : That bastard Marcus Antonius becoming part of the second triumvirate!
Some of my fondest memories involve MFM both in sex and in lovemaking. So it gets my vote every time.
Quote by Big_Fraser
I've always found Angela Merkel quite a turn on.

So Ill put you down as a yes for Frau Merkel then ;)
Absolutely! She can come and handle my finances anytime. lol
Foxylady's post above about line dancing as a response to the Hakka brought a curious image to my mind's eye. The English team could form a line and put their arms about each others' waist and then start dancing like the Tiller Girls.
Long ago, in my rugby playing days, both as a schoolboy player and as a club player, watching the All Blacks perform the Hakka was a spine tingling moment. It was often seen as being almost as important as the following game itself. No All Black game would be complete without the Hakka. I've often wondered what the opposing team could do by way of reply (other than the Welsh response of walking up to the half way line and staring at them).
How do you think various opposing teams could respond using some aspect of their national culture?
Wouldn't it be wonderful for say, the French side, to reply by dancing a Gavotte whilst singing a chanson by Lully or Couperin?
What would be your suggestions?
Though he lived to a great age, it was still sad to read of death of this wonderful musician. He was still out there gigging in his nineties. The chapter in 'The Land Where The Blues Began' by Alan Lomax in which he describes their first meeting makes gripping reading. The subsequent field recordings that Lomax made of him are a joy to listen to. The microphones picked up the birds singing in the background; a lovely compliment to Edwards' singing and acoustic guitar playing. And what acoustic guitar playing!! Apparently, he never played in open tunings. That living link with the other great acoustic blues guitar players of that era has now gone. Thankfully we have his recordings and recorded interviews. Always worth listening to.
How about : 1)It was a lover and his lass by Thomas Morley
2)It fell on a summer's day by Thomas Campian
In the recording of the former by Bream and Pears, at the lines '...between the acres of the rye....these pretty country fools would lie...' you can quite clearly hear Bream utter, "Yeah!". It never fails to make me laugh.