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Over 90 days ago


I think i have read every post you guys made on this thread, all of you make a sensible point.
I made a post in the forum entitled RIGHT! this will tell you why i am here.
I am listening to you all and trying to put it all together.
All i really wanted to say is that we are really new to this whole concept, new like last week smile . Since before this wonderfully liberating discovery all we had was fumbled setups at trying to get caught at it, its gonna take a while to build up steam, but doesn't anything good always take time.
We would love to be dogged but as a complete newbie to this concept and after reading ALL your posts its obvious to me i need to take extreme care. (jomu, hearing what happened to you, the windscreen bat incident has disturbed me). I work very hard all week and dont go out much, when you do this for a while you forget what complete freaks of nature do exist. I mean i can hold my hands up against the best of them but gee jesus, who wants the hassle..!!
Hopefully we will get to know whos real and whos not sooner rather then later.
Chi Yeng Yeng
Glitter & Coal
I am going to go out cruising on saturday night with my girl and visit all the dogging locations for essex i can get to in one night. It is Glitter that is on at me about being dogged, i can only but oblige my woman eh ? wink
Anyone in the Essex area have any good places to go to be dogged that are not on the locations page, let me know this week.
Oh and as a final note, I would love to get to know an Older Couple that are into Photography :shock:
Chi Yeng Yeng
Glitter & Coal
I have read every add on this website twice, and every post on this forum, its a great read.
Heres the thing, we dont know where to start. We dont know how much we have read on here is bullshit or true.
My Girlfriend loves the idea of being watched when we fuck. It hasnt actually happened to us yet, but we came kinda close once. She has been talking about it more and more lately. Last week after we had been out to the cinema, she made me park the car in a layby on the A12 and then proceeded to give me a wicked blowjob. An old man came past walking his dog and stopped right outside the car, he looked about 50ish. I could see him clearly in the dark, he was staring into the car, i told my girlfriend to look out the window, she did and stared straight at him for an age, i gotta give the old boy his due he stood his ground and stayed put. Lets call my girlfriend Glitter from now on.
Glitter just put her head down and carried on sucking my dick, i said to her "show him your arse, i dare ya" shes a sucker for a dare so she undid her jeans and slid them down, her thong came down with her jeans, the man smiled and moved a step closer to my car. i was watching him and he definitly licked his lips a few times. I told glitter to touch herself for me and the man. She reached back and starting running her fingers up and down her snatch as she sank right down into my crotch. The old mans eyes went wide and he actually said "mmmmm loverly pussy" it was enough to send me over the edge, i looked at him and he winked at me and started walking away from the car. I came like a horse and Glitter choked and gagged and swallowed the lot.
This incident made me start looking on the net for similar incidents and to cut a long story short i ended up here, thats when i found out about Dogging..!!!
I want more, in fact i am greedy i want it all.
I am one of the lucky ones i fall into the couples catergory, i have a blonde 26 year old girlfriend who is a showoff. Get her pissed and she is a dirty slut, and she has got the neatest pussy i have ever seen.
So i will be here for quite a while and who knows what will happen once i get to know whos real and whos not.
Chi Yeng Yeng (keep a cool heart)
Glitter & Coal
redface that is definite fantasy material, i would love that kinda thing to happen to me and my girl.
my girlfriend read that and demanded that i fuck her hard and fast over my desk mmmmmm
so thanks for sharing that with us.
regards by the yard
Glitter & Coal