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2 months ago
Straight Male, 54
Straight Female, 53


its the old lasses big 40 th in oct the 7th we haeding to manchesters gay village on sat the 8th for a nite out all welcome so get ya names down ty jase lai xxxx
Quote by annie_19704
shandy ffs how old ya think you are jase.....lets play the big peoples game n go head to hed on vodka all night n see how i get....i get more demanding the more i drink be scared be very scared lol
its game on sister let the battle commence :cheers::sparring:
Quote by annie_19704
confirming we coming...wouldnt be worth the lip off cocks if we didnt lol xxx....n already been told no more than 2 sambukas lol.....10-12 wasnt a good idea after mixing my drinks at cov lol
annie u ad 3 shandys ffs :silly:
Quote by irish69
got new cardy so i will be coming see u all on 27th
try a tank top ffs lol cardy so last yr duel
Quote by Trixie_D-Lish
think i will bring some gobstoppers instead of ice because they wont melt and last ages lol
i didnt want to do this trix ,,,, but ur banned now sorry hun :small-print: O and liam 2 lol xxx
Quote by Liamnsteve
Seems Im taking fake Ice to this social then, wonder how fast they will melt lol
site rules ...state all ice in any:doh: form :thumbup:
Quote by Gorgeouslyyours
Sorry cocks cant see the no ice rule anywhere,,,, but worse case ive seen the thai ping ball trick maybe i can make my own :twisted:
size of ur mingr gorg ya better use basket balls :sparring: bolt
Quote by Gorgeouslyyours
ooo reserve list all ready .. gonna be full to the hilt !!!! xx shall I bring my own ice machine ?x
:small-print::small-print:site rules lol
Quote by Gorgeouslyyours
I didnt understand any of that.. ???? has decided that all you northerners are mad... and will be coming as hanibal lecturer to be on the safe side lol xxx
lol i moving down south northern folk are just so hostile lol
Quote by forleedspeeps
can we come and wear badges saying "newbie" please?
actually, we are doing something far more interesting that night, ill be gauging my eyes out with rusty nails as wife watches some paint dry.
prefer to swing than swong!
how childish :rolleyesplus wasnt coming any way dunno
Quote by Trixie_D-Lish
ok list updated as we have just had confirmation of numbers (not all needing to sit down eh? and smokers will be out in car park anyway lol)
so good news there is no reserve list and still spaces lol
blimey trix ya dont say xx wink
Quote by morgan-1969
asking a straight question - which again isnt being answered isnt being aggressive.
remind me again morgs who it was that threw the man in question out with force on ur behalf and playinglady ..... i think you will find it was me and you know full well i had no idea he was a band member and even kat told you on the night ,,and from what i recall it took me 20 secs to have him out the door the moment you told me and you seem to be strayin from the truth no glass was smashed and put to your face ,,thats bollox you told me he whispered you in ur ear ,,the moment i was aware he was a banned member he was out the door that is what happened now you are starting to bore me a little ,,, we have left the yorkshire room because of all this shit and havnt had no bovva since but 4 sum reason you keep popping up and blurting the same shite out you a big girl now hun its time you moved on ,,, they are reasons why kat is not allowed i know you think you own the site but ya dont so i telling you nothing as i said before report me to admin and i will be happy for a natter with them over this matter :violin:
Quote by morgan-1969
Rules: The event is the responsibility of the organiser, The organiser is Trixie so it's down to trixie who goes on that list not cocksnoggers. Putting trixie in this position is unfair. The list of names is down to the organiser. So i am asking the organiser to correct the reserve list be fair, in the spirit of the event, make your own mind up and if she isnt added to the list then valid reasons as to why not posted in this forum so everyone else including admin can see for themselves. There is nothing wrong with me asking questions as to why playinglady cannot attend. If you look at playingladys profile page scrawl down to the bottom and view all her forum post - there is her shrep in our opinion, in fact it's better than shrep it contains detailed information. So I'm suggesting you view this.
lol not that old chesnut lol why dont u do your own social if you not happy with how we do ours ,,,, homophobic ?? ha ha ha as i am sure they are peeps on here who will vouch other wise ,,, plus leave trix out of this i hide behind no 1 so tell kat not to bother booking time off work as she WONT be coming if you not happy report me to who ever you want my dear ... and i be more than happy to chat with who ever ...
Quote by morgan-1969
Rules for socials....(SH Munch and Social Guidelines)
Only people who have been accepted can attend the event.
It should be a non pro?t and non commercial event.
The event is the responsibility of the ORGANISER and a list of attendees is to be made
available if requested.
If you know that banned members are attending you should provide site members
with the details as soon as possible.
No products, services, or promotion of any kind can take place
Anyone who breaks the above rules or who's conduct does not act in the “SPIRIT” of the
event could be BLACKLISTED from attending further events, or BANNED from using the site.
We believe there are actions taking place that are far from the "SPIRIT" of the event.
last post now cos im fed up lol
and what actions would they be ???
Quote by Trixie_D-Lish
Hey I dont understand, me name been on the list ages and I aint had one volunteer email us yet asking to be broken in. Come on guys dont be shy lol
I can supply the Ice honest, Trixie getting extra in especially

what on earth are they waiting for!!! reckon there will be a stampede on the night loltold u lot ice banned :doh::small-print:site rules lol
Quote by Lassie2011
ermmm im pretty sure i put my name down for it and now its gone sad help!
ermmmm blame trix :doh:bolt
Quote by Kojak
added :thumbup:
of course we will have you Kojak.........well cant speak for Jase wink
nope baldies not allowed sorry koj :kick::fuckinghell:
Cheeky bugger. Typical Hows you two anyway. Hope you are well
xye m8 gd here hows thee ?
Quote by Trixie_D-Lish
added :thumbup:
of course we will have you Kojak.........well cant speak for Jase wink
nope baldies not allowed sorry koj :kick::fuckinghell: