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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 44
Straight Male, 56
0 miles · Greater Manchester


Quote by gingerjo-lee
can i add my name down please
i just need to find a date i know to take me now as lee is working lol
if any 1 knows me and wants to take me get in touch
thanks jo x

I'd take ya jo but I'm not invited rolleyes x
Quote by kaz_allen
banghead ffs its a trek

pick us up on the way cocktails we might make it in about 5 hours! :sad:
fuck off...I'm still cleanin up dog hairs from last time blink
Mr Sinc.
Do ya not think it might be a good idea ta change the post title to reflect that it's now changed date?
We're having a bit of a do with a few friends in the village. Anyone interested in tagging along contact us or
for details.
Quote by tameside_couple
Also any request for Music for the party, let us know, so we can cater for everyones tastes :violin::thrilled::taz:.
Vinnie & Sue xxx

Any gansta rap? :twisted:
Quote by jay_jay_1996
we would love to attend your party its the day after mr jay birthday
jay jay xxxx

What better way to celebrate the big 50 lol
Quote by hornylancslass
Hi Guys and Gals,
all welcome except homophobes, dreamers, timewasters and wannabeees.

Oh bollox...that's us out then banghead
Quote by jaycoups7
some peaople dont even stop for xmas i see!guess ur hardcore i will be with my family and nothing wud change that

Well bully for you. Count yaself lucky that you're able to spend time with your family at xmas then instead of bitchin abbout what others have planned.