four of us actually got caught, the rest had wandered off and no-one warned us!!!
Police have taken registrations, names, addresses and seen id at the scene.
If we are seen in the area again we will get "arrested" plain enough message for you???
exeter sites are the latest target for coodinated police raids. We got nicked last night up the top site from the racecourse. Two police cars, 4-5 blokes and a police dog!! Crept up on us and we had nowhere to go. They made it clear that they will prosecute anyone found in the area at night in future and will patroll every weekend. Best to quickly meet up and move to safer ground. Post a lookout would be good advice too
Exeter areas are not safe from Police! There was a raid last night with at least two cars, four men and a police dog handler. These guys are not here to protect doggers from crime etc they are busting doggers!!! total waste of tax payers money but hey-ho at least they made witty comments among themselves as they left the scene, obviously taking the matter so seriously........
They made it clear the internet should be used to warn peolpe off these exeter areas!!!!
Best advice is private land, they cant touch you if it isnt a public area.
Yes you can get "done" for indecent exposure because the Police can make the complaint!!
Police are doing regular raids at exeter from now on busting people, we know, we got busted and so did some others. No-one kept watch or warned us!!!!! best to find another location that isnt public. Officer at the scene suggested we go on line and warn people!!! NO SHIT