oooh something new to try....yes please could you add my name for giving it a go - thank you
Hi there,
I am very interested in your ad and live quite local. Am slim, fit with a glass eye and a budgie- is that any use?
Hiya Dan,
Was excellent to see you too. Hope to do it again sometme, and don't forget the invite for housewarming,
Hi all,
Recently single male from Peterborough here, count me in.
Still waiting to hear back from work as to whether or not i can have the day off - but will pull sickie if needed. Not a member of Chams. Put me down as confirmed, Although not sure whether for two or one yet....waaaaah
Hi there,
will be out and about on sat and mon if you still interested.
Take care
Stay sexy
Delbert xxx
Hi there,
would love to come along, sounds idyllic - but depends when as gigs tend to get in the way - but after the last week f*** it will cancel one to be there. Never been to Chams so would need someone to hold me have some room in the motor too if anyone needs a lift.
Oooooh yes please,
Put me down even if I am a sad old pervy single male, who knows I may have sorted meself out by love to attend, pm where you got in mind.
p.s. have been suffering from tummy bug since middle of last week....must be the age.....but am better now
Mods edit - Please PM Del for funeral details :thumbup:
Thank you
Thank you one and all for cheering me up.....even if I am now offically a grumpy OLD man, xxxxxx
Well what can you say...
Firstly a massive thank you to everyone who has posted on this forum, it has been a great source of comfort and help to me over what has quite simply been the worst week of my life...and trust me as I hit 40 today I can assure you I have known quite a few........I am going to cut and paste the comments to take to her family as I know they will be a great comfort to them all. In case I haven't managed to inform anyone the funeral is on Friday 7th Sep, and as soon as I get the venue I will post.
Apologies for not posting earlier but I have been too devastated to post.
"Do not go gentle into that good night" Dylan Thomas
Thank you again
Can Debb & Delbert67 be added to the list please?