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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 46
0 miles · Derby


Was thinking of taking a walk down to xxxxx in Derby later this evening as the guide says there is plenty of dogging activity down there.
Does anyone have any advice or tips for this location? I'm particularly keen to avoid any well known gay spots - I only want to see couples.
Paul xxx
Mods message: MY tip is read the rules before posting and abide by them when posting!! mad :x :x
I'm a 25-year-old male from Derby looking for couples to meet tonight.
I'm 5"7, medium build, brown hair, nice face and a 7" willy. I've enjoyed several MMFs in the past and have always been invited back - so I must be doing something right!
Personality wise, I'm sociable, intelligent, down-to-earth and comfortable in group situations. I'm also happy to let the couple dictate the pace of things.
I can accommodate and travel within reason. My house is about ten minutes from the centre of Derby and very easy to get to. I'm also very reliable and if we arrange to meet, I'm not the sort of guy to let you down at the last minute. Guys like that give all us single blokes a bad name!
Sexually I'm into most things except watersports and pain. I particularly enjoy giving and receiving oral and I'm a big fan of sticky endings. Exhibitionism and voyeurism are also a favourite.
If you like the sound of me and would like to arrange to meet, you can either PM me or email on paul_loves_ . I'm also on Messenger if you'd like to chat.
I'll be online for the next couple of hours so get in touch if you'd like to know more about me too - I have pics/webcam too if you want them.
Paul xxx
Hello all!
Having not done any swinging for nearly a year, I thought tonight would be a good a time as any to make my MMF comeback!
I'm a 25-year-old male from Derby who has been very active in the scene in the past and would like to get involved with some down-to-earth sexy couples once again.
I REALLY enjoy the spectacle of a MMF meet-up. I love it all - from the getting-to-know you bit in the pub to the slow walk up to the bedroom, to the ripping off of the clothes to the final, messy ending, I find the whole situation a major turn-on = and the couples I've met seem to have enjoyed it too!
OK then...a bit about myself. Well I'm 5"8, medium build with a nice face and a above average sized willy - about 7/8 inches for the record.
I'm really friendly, intelligent, witty and down-to-earth and I feel totally comfortable getting up to all sorts of naughtiness with similar couples of any age. I'm also extremely reliable so don't worry about me not showing up or chickening out at the last minute. Those sorts of guys really do give the rest of us a bad name.
The other thing is, I can accommodate or travel - I'll even go halves on a hotel room if that's your preferred option!
Well I hope I've done enough in the previous paragraphs to convince you I'm worth a try. Photos are available on request and I'm happy to answer any more questions you may have or chat on the phone.
You can either PM me or email paul_loves_ . I shall check through the day to see if you've got in touch. Also, I'm afraid I can only do tonight at the moment because I'm busy for the rest of the weekend. However, I'm sure I'll be available in the future so if you want to talk about meeting later down the line then that's fine too.
Right, I'll stop banging on now. Looking forward to all your lovely replies.
Paul xxx
Sorry if this seems like a pretty dumb enquiry - that's probably cos it is!
I'm finally grabbing myself a webcam tomorrow and I wondered if anyone could reccomend any good websites to meet people for some fun cam2cam sessions.
I've had a look around chat rooms but they seem to be full of advertisers and idiots so does anyone have any better suggestions?
Any advice you've got would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Paul x
Hi there, I'm after a naughty couple for some naked fun this evening.
I'm a 25-year-old professional sort from Derby and have extensive swinging experience.
I'm 5"8, short brown hair, medium build, nice face, 7" penis.
I'm friendly, sociable, intelligent and witty.
Swinging experience includes trips to the G-Spot club in Leicester, bukkake evenings, threesomes with couples from Leicester and Doncaster and one with a girl I was seeing a couple of years ago.
The couple I seek should be down-to-earth, friendly and easy-going. I enjoy oral, giving and receiving, full sex with sticky endings, voyeurism, mutual masturbation and exhibitionism.
Message me or email me if you fancy arranging something for this evening. I can travel (within reason) and accommodate.
Look forward to hearing from you
Paul x
While the lodger is away, the swingers will play!
I've got the house to myself tonight and would like to invite any friendly, down to earth couples round for a sexy time on my double bed.
Click on my advert below to read a bit more about me. I live eight minutes outside the city centre so if you fancy coming over, PM or email me at paul_loves_
Look forward to hearing from you
Paul xxx
Hello all,
I'm seeking down-to-earth older couples for a little bit of fun later tonight.
A little about me....I'm 25, reasonably attractive, not too tall, medium build and very friendly and sociable.
Not sure why I've got such a taste for MMF threesomes, all I know is I've had quite a few now and they've always been a lot of fun.
You can read more about me in my advert below. If you fancy setting something up then either PM or email me at paul_loves_
It would be great to sort something for tonight - or if not then perhaps later this week.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing from you...
Paul xxx
Well hopefully by the end of this advert you'll think differently.
I'm from Derby and I'm a 25-year-old single male who's hoping to make some new friends in the swinging scene this week.
I've done lots of bits and bobs in the past but nothing for a little while. Past adventures including meeting with three different couples, the G-Spot club in Leicester for Party Nights, Greedy Girls nights and even their Naturist Sundays (wouldn't really reccommend the latter!). I even started the Derby Gangbang Group which ran for a couple of events but I closed it down in the end because it was such a bloody nightmare to organise - unreliable single guys being the main problem!
Anyway, I'm looking to get back into the scene now so I wondered if any couples fancied meeting with me to see how we all get along.
As I mentioned, I'm 25-years-old, medium build with short brown hair and 5"7 - so I'm not the tallest. I've got good standards of personal hygiene (!) and I'm a non-smoker who emjoys the odd drink in moderation. Oh and my willy's roughly 7"!
Personality wise, I'm friendly, down-to-earth, intelligent and considerate - oh and most of all I'm really reliable. If I arrange to meet with you, expect me to turn up bang on time.
I enjoy all the usual sexy stuff - oral both ways, really get excited in threesomes/gangbang scenarios, exhibitionism, sluttish behaviour and sticky endings!
I'm happy to meet with couples of all ages, shapes and sizes - just as long as you're decent company and can laugh at yourself.
So if you're interested in meeting up, get in touch today! I have a pretty nice week in that I'm off work Monday, Thursday and Friday and I'm also free most evenings - so there are lots of opportunities to meet up. I can accomodate in the day but not in the evenings (my lodger's around) but I'm happy to travel or share the cost of a hotel room.
Either PM me in this forum or email me at paul_loves_ .
Well that's it. Hope I've done enough to prove I'm not another saddo single guy and that I'm worth bothering with - I've certainly always been invited back by the couples I've met.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Paul xxx
I'm thinking about popping along to the nudist session at Leicester's G-Spot. Just wondered if anyone else had been along and if so, how they found it?
Thanks for your kind comments folks, you are a most welcoming bunch.
I'm looking forward to interacting with what seems to be a very friendly forum and I promise to share any pictures I can talk my on-off girlfriend into appearing in!
Paul x
Aaah, the Derby Gangbang. Well I'm sure I wasn't the first to have the idea and I'm sure I won't be the last. The concept was basically to form a small base of around 10 guys living close to Derby who could be asked to come and give couples and females a good ol' fashioned gangbang. Basically, I'd select the reliable guys, check their commitment, do all the organisational legwork and the only thing the couple would have to worry about is coming to meet us.
It was all well and good in theory but the truth of the matter is that after spending ages organising the group and getting plenty of enquiries from interested couples, I was continually let down by unreliable, gutless, single males. Grrr!
They'd all talk the talk, claim to have all this experience and said they'd be ready at the drop of a hat and then when it came down to attending an event, virtually all of them would drop out or cry-off. It was amazing how many guys suddenly 'had to go see their sick mum in hospital' or 'couldn't get out of working late'. Hmmmm. Very annoying when you'd promised six guys for an expectant couple!
So in the end we had two events. One with a lovely couple from Erdington and another at my house with an also-lovely couple from Leicester (who I still keep in touch with).
But in the end, I didn't have the time or energy to devote to organising any further events because my phone bill was huge and it was all a big stress! So now I just meet couples on my own. There aren't as many opportunities but it's a helluva lot easier!
Well after watching the forums for a month or two and posting on the Meet Me Tonight board, I think the time has come for me to properly throw my hat into the ring and start joining in the conversations on this board!
As you can probably guess from my name, I'm a single male but hopefully I'll avoid living up to the stereotype that we seem to have. I really am quite friendly and have had a fair smattering of swinging fun - including running the fantastic but shortlived Derby Gangbang Group which I'll tell you all about one day when it's slow on here.
Well that's it really. Just thought I'd formally introduce myself. You seem like a friendly bunch and I'm sure you'll all make me feel welcome - it's not easy being new!
Paul x
25-year-old Derby male seeks couple for a dirty threesome with a messy ending sometime this week.
APPEARANCE: 5"7, medium build, brown hair, nice face, greeny-blue eyes, 7" cock.
PERSONALITY: Easy-going, confident, chatty, sociable and intelligent.
EXPERIENCE: Have met three couples, have attended bukkake nights, been to a few evenings at Cupids in Manchester and G-Spot in Leicester and for a short time ran my own gangbang group (before giving up because people were so unreliable!)
TASTES: Oral - giving and receiving - dirty talking, sticky endings, exhibitionism, voyeurism, photos and vids, willing to give WS a try.
CONTACT: Write to paul_loves_ for more info or give me a call on (bear in mind I may be at work).
ONE FINAL THING: I'm extremely reliable and if I say I'll meet you then I definitely will. Also, don't withold your number when you call please.
I'm available every night this week except Wednesday so I look forward to hearing from sexy couples of any age.
Paul xxx
Hi all,
Are there any couples out there who fancy inviting a new guy into bed with them this weekend for some saucy fun and games?
I'm a 25-year-old Derby man who loves meeting with naughty couples to give the female a great time. Just ask Jeet and Jay from Leicester or Rachel and Steve from Doncaster who enjoyed my company immensely!
I'm sociable, intelligent and down-to-earth. Appearance-wise I'm medium build with brown hair, greenish eyes and a 7" dick. Click my profile for a pic.
So if you fancy fixing something up or would like to know more about me, email me at: paul_loves_ or even just give me a call on .
Look forward to hearing from ya,
Paul xxx
Hi all,
Are there any couples out there who fancy inviting a new guy into bed with them for some saucy fun and games?
I'm a 25-year-old Derby man who loves meeting with naughty couples to give the wife a great time. Just ask Jeet and Jay from Leicester or Rachel and Steve from Doncaster who enjoyed my company immensely!
I'm sociable, intelligent and down-to-earth. Appearance-wise I'm medium build with brown hair, greenish eyes and a 7" dick. Photos can be supplied upon request.
So if you fancy fixing something up or would like to know more about me, email me at: paul_loves_ or even just give me a call on .
Look forward to hearing from ya,
Paul xxx
Hi all,
Are there any couples out there who fancy banishing the post-Christmas blues by inviting a new guy into bed with them this weekend?
I'm a 25-year-old Derby man who loves meeting with naughty couples to give the wife a great time. Just ask Jeet and Jay from Leicester or Rachel and Steve from Doncaster who enjoyed my company immensely!
I'm sociable, intelligent and down-to-earth. Appearance-wise I'm medium build with brown hair, greenish eyes and a 7" dick. Photos can be supplied upon request.
So if you fancy fixing something up or would like to know more about me, email me at: paul_loves_ or even just give me a call on .
Look forward to hearing from ya,
Paul xxx
Hi all,
Don't waste tonight by sitting around watching Crimbo telly, get in touch with me and have some rude fun!
I'm a 25-year-old Derby man who loves meeting with naughty couples to give the wife a great time. Just ask Jeet and Jay from Leicester or Rachel and Steve from Doncaster who enjoyed my company immensely!
I'm sociable, intelligent and down-to-earth. Appearance-wise I'm medium build with brown hair, greenish eyes and a 7" dick. Photos can be supplied upon request.
So if you fancy fixing something up for tonight or would perhaps like to make contact in the future, email me at: paul_loves_ or even just give me a call on .
Look forward to hearing from ya,
Paul xxx