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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 52
0 miles · West Midlands


as long as you only write my name on my back this time please, lol, put me down ali xxxx oops plzzzzzz
p.s. any fem wanna join me, i`ll pay entry, cheaper for 2 than just me, x
can meet or collect, within reason,
would love to get a tent up, in the field,,,, instead of this one in my trousers,,, lol, any room for a little un mate? j
hi dean, was wondering if you would put me plus 1 down please, i understand i`ll be on the reserve list, unless someone drops out, thanx
pop me on the list plz,x be good to finally set eyes upon you, lol, & several others too, especially one cheeky ass girl, you know who you are, lol see ya there, x
hi cocky, just a quickie, (message, of course),,,,, to say hi, & to ask if i can go on the list please? i will attend work permitting, thanx x
hi bouncy, hope you are well, just like to ask whether you would be so kind as to add me to the list for this party? be good to attend,
hope to see y`all soon, j x
p.s. i`m not a member of chams, x
,,,, why thankyou very much miss, i`m glad you enjoyed your self, xx
p.s. you were one of my lovely friends, x
i don`t have pics on this site because, i choose not to, for my own reasons, however, i do have pics to send, to anyone that has took time to look at my profile & request a pic or 2, i go on cam regularly, & am known very well in several of the rooms, i put a different ad on this site, because,,,, i always get people mess me around on here, the people on the other site have not, as yet done so, if it begins to happen i will change my approach on there too, guys,,, really, lets call it a day on here, now, i have my party sorted, & would really appreciate you all going & looking elsewhere, for what ever it is you search for on here, each to their own, i don`t criticise people because i don`t like how they`ve worded their ad, or profile, so please, be nice to people, have a good weekend all, jeff,
sean the approach you mention, would have been fine, but the wording of mals reply, wasn`t thought out, neither was my ad, i guess, but hey, just let it go now everyone, i`m happy, you all be happy,
cheers sean, well writteen, & yes i guess mals intentions were good, no offence taken, & definately none intended from me, j
K & T i really do appreciate the fact that someone agrees with me, i read lots of ads n profiles, & think "oh no thanx" but just say nothing, surely if you aren`t interested it`s not worth a comment, as K nT say, they walked away, simple, & yes i find that several people on here, (when in a position to do so)do threaten with being banned, because as you say i try to defend myself or just for being outspoken, hope you all have fun this weekend, sure i will, thanx again K n T x
PATRONISE?????? very strong words mal, & no i haven`t been here 5 mins i`ve been on n off this site for 2 years, mal don`t threaten me, it`s not big n not clever, the best we can do mate, is obviously ignore one another, you don`t want to cum fine, just don`t comment, no big thing, just go about doing your things & i will mine, now please leave me alone to have my fun, thanks j
,,,,,,,,not interested at all, if you DON`T want to come, or why you don`t, it`s small talk, only mail me "in future" if you are interested, what ever i happen to write, the basics are there`s a party if you`d like to come along n i`d like to know who`s coming, ,
ok lets cut all the bitchin`, n grow up,,,,
it`s a swingers site, people have fun on here, i`d like to see who (if so few in such a confined space) was going to be there, as someone said why not post names, to check profiles, easy to do if it`s on one site, but this is on 3. so a little difficult, all the people were selected compatibly, with one another, or to couples/singles etc, so as not to upset anyone, as venus says, i travelled to put her mind at ease so she didn`t feel uncomfortable, when attending the party, not an if your face fits at all, but surely you wouldn`t expect to meet someone bllnd???? would you?
if you would, that`s your perogative, but for me there has to be something attracting me to them, if youknow what i mean,,,
at the end of the day, i made a bad choice of words to put in my add, i do apologise, but such is life, mistakes are made, now you can all stop stressing over this ad` & maybe you`ll have time to find some fun, which is what this site is really all about,,,,,,, go on run along, off you go, byeeeee, ciao, au revoir, ta-ra, bye bye, adios, see ya, all have fun n take care, don`t worry about me n my party all, but,,,,,,,,,,, if it is fun you enjoy, you are really loesing out, i assure you, we know how to throw a party,
& NO, NOT FRANK GALAGHER STYLE< lol, bye all have fun & enjoy yourselves,
lads or ladies, i`m doing fine, i`ve filled up with people i know to be fair, & i always either send a pic, or will put my cam on, (as my p/file says) & trust me,,,, i DO NOT have to sell myself, lol, thanx anyway for the comments, but my mom always said,,,, if you can`t say something nice, don`t say anything at all, i guess she has a point, do you? bye 4 now, j
p.s. you can always ask, as my user name says,,,,
hi all, i`ll be holding a party for a selecy few people this coming saturday, 8 til ,,,,,,whenever. lol
i have a couple of f/m couples coming, & 2 single ladies, however i was hoping for about 12 to 14 people (even balance), due to the small number of guests don`t be disappointed if i don`r reply, but for those who do recieve confirmation, it will be via mail, on thursday, with the location, pleas note that i must see pics of you, to show other guests, all i ask you to bring is the drink of your choice, & a , welcome to crash till daytime, if you like. look forward to hearing from you all, j
hi, just a quick one to see if there`s room for a little un/ lol, hope i get the chance to join you all, my 40th is on the 18th, so will be my first social, in my 40`s lol, ciao 4 now, j,
i`d love to be put on the list please, looking forward to getting back into things, been away for a while, thanx,
love to join you all too, will upload pics this week, but do have cam, be happy if i were accepted on the list,