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Over 90 days ago


why you having a dig at spiders, they are great creatures especially the breed that hang around in ladies knickers.
I have been studying them for years, i am fully quallified in treating all kinds of knicker spider problems so if sarah has a problem with her spiders, i am willing to help (2/3 special injections should cure the problem.
Have a nice day!!!!!!!!! biggrin
now not a major problem you'd think! quick reset, jobs a good un, and i have at least 2 CDROMs lying about, so he won't exactly be missed will he? BUT . . . the selfish bugger decided he'd take some other bits and bobs down with him, or so it seems.
my PC now refuses to boot at all. no POST, no BIOS screen, nothing. the VDU steadfastly refuses to come outta standby, the PC is to all intents and purposes dead. the PSUs fine, and theirs obviously power flowing across the motherboard, cos the power switch on the case works, CDROM lights up, HD at least sounds like it's trying to spin up, but no lights on case or keyboard, nothing.

Hi Neil i had the same problem with my laptop. Lil_miz is right when you had to reset your pc the hard drive was probably still spinning and his sometimes damages the heads as your pc closes down.
I think its a new hard drive.
there is a shop in leeds city centre called Computer exchange, who can test your drive and advise on options (not an ad, I just use them for bits and pieces)
hope this is of help
I would like to Apologise to anybody that I have offended by my earlier comments. It was NOT my intention to offend anybody.
It was only my second post ever on this site and I was trying to make an impression (and boy did I make an impression), as a bit of a joker.
I hope you will all forgive my Faux Pas, and allow me to continue use your site.
Quote by fabio grooverider

Am i disqualified?
1, i am not from the wirral biggrin
2, I am not 7 1/2" (bugger 1/2" too short) :cry:
3, I am not black ( i have plenty of black boot polish) :doh:
Seriously i hope you find what you are looking for

to that lot... you might want to add that you can't read.. since i am sure you currant avatar breaks the AUP......... confused confused confused
sean (a black guy who didn't particually like the boot polish gag)
Sorry about the avtar (used wrong pic i should have really checked)
I am also sorry you have not got a sense of humour fabio :cry:

Am i disqualified?
1, i am not from the wirral biggrin
2, I am not 7 1/2" (bugger 1/2" too short) :cry:
3, I am a dickhead though :doh:
Seriously i hope you find what you are looking for
I am new to the following:-
1 this site
2 swinging
3 munches
I would love to come too, to try and meet people who are like minded.