Up date 31/01/12
Gentlemen. Winks will be ignored!
Fi is the girl I would like to find a guy or a couple of guys for her first threesome.
We are looking for single males, single females, couples and groups both bi and straight to help us fulfill our fantasies. Some will be more general and some will be very specific! We are very open minded and welcome all suggestions via mail. Little fantasies that you have may exite us as well!
1. Males 25-40 year olds plse, Females, well so long as you look after your body!
2. Males Athletic or muscular build, Females, slim, petite or average.
3. discrestion is a must!
4. We are big on personal hygene so should you!
Feel free to ask any questions about us. If you want to join in one of our fantasies or even if you have one of your own feel free to message us!