perceptions of people can be a strange thing, as two people can percieve entirely contradictory things about people.
UKwine man , i percieve to be a nice guy, seriously lacking in confidence. Could be completely wrong but thats my perception, and actually i suppose taken literaly a perception can never be wrong.
thank you everyone for the welcome! you too Drew, i realise i may have been hasty in my earlier judgement of you. maybe calling you a fanny was a bit ott, but the other observations where just that, and i can therefore stand by them.
or pityful?
i dont know , maybe your a good guy, but you sound a bit like my 13 year sister. Its all look at me, listen to me, give me attention.
Someone tells a story, you got a better one!
someone doesnt respond to you, you moan!
someone disagrees with you. you get a girly strop.
Just seems strange behaviour for an 18 year old boy.
hi, first post, been reading them all for a couple of days without replying, and sure this isnt the kind of first post to endear me to the masses, however, in my opinion, drewxcore is a pure fanny, have never seen so much pish spouted by one individual in my entire life!
sorry, i will be going now, but at least im honest!