Quote by Hiro_nakamura
right wonder-pets are you ready to for the ramming procedure ?
erectoman is cooking er i mean warming nicely down the thanks to Fahrenheit
Capt Arolae are you ready to catch any stray squirts?
Quote by Hiro_nakamura
From what I've heard Captain Areola's big hose is about as much use as a chocolate teapot
Quote by Captain_areola
From what I've heard Captain Areola's big hose is about as much use as a chocolate teapot
Quote by Buffyvampslayer
mmmmmmnnmmmm now mmnnmmmmmmmm i mmmmmnmmmmm know mmnnmmmmmm what mnmnmnmmmmmmmn muddle mmmmmnmnmnmmmn meant mnmnmmmmmmnm about mmnmmmmmmnm spikey mnmmmmmnmmmmn bits mnmnmmnmmnmnmnmn
Quote by Buffyvampslayer
blimy how long does it take to get THE CLITORUS wet then
Quote by Erectoman
In fact the baby oil is starting to smoke like a well prepared wok .... are we ready to start cooking girls??? :twisted: :twisted:
yeah wheres that chicken when you need him
Quote by Thrud
<<<<<<<< Fahrenheit arrives with carefully drawn out maps for the men and 2 truckloads of baby oil. I think I've got it covered :undecided: just need a few men that have more staying power than Captain Aereola and we should have it sorted
Quote by Buffyvampslayer
<<<<<<<< Fahrenheit arrives with carefully drawn out maps for the men and 2 truckloads of baby oil. I think I've got it covered :undecided: just need a few men that have more staying power than Captain Aereola and we should have it sorted
Quote by Erectoman
<<<<<<<< Fahrenheit arrives with carefully drawn out maps for the men and 2 truckloads of baby oil. I think I've got it covered :undecided: just need a few men that have more staying power than Captain Aereola and we should have it sorted
Quote by Erectoman
<<<<<<<< Fahrenheit arrives with carefully drawn out maps for the men and 2 truckloads of baby oil. I think I've got it covered :undecided: just need a few men that have more staying power than Captain Aereola and we should have it sorted
Quote by Hiro_nakamura
<<<<<<<< Fahrenheit arrives with carefully drawn out maps for the men and 2 truckloads of baby oil. I think I've got it covered :undecided: just need a few men that have more staying power than Captain Aereola and we should have it sorted
Quote by Buffyvampslayer
<<<<<<<< Fahrenheit arrives with carefully drawn out maps for the men and 2 truckloads of baby oil. I think I've got it covered :undecided: just need a few men that have more staying power than Captain Aereola and we should have it sorted
Quote by Hiro_nakamura
<<<<<<<< Fahrenheit arrives with carefully drawn out maps for the men and 2 truckloads of baby oil. I think I've got it covered :undecided: just need a few men that have more staying power than Captain Aereola and we should have it sorted