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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 52


Quote by Hiro_nakamura
right wonder-pets are you ready to for the ramming procedure ?
erectoman is cooking er i mean warming nicely down the thanks to Fahrenheit
Capt Arolae are you ready to catch any stray squirts?

Someone better warn me before that happens I can't stand squirt shots :scared:
Quote by Erectoman
Why's my arse burning? Fahrenheit - what're you warming that juice up with?

Told you! my molecules :thumbup: warm ere innit :grin:
Quote by Hiro_nakamura
Does that juice need warming anytime soon :twisted:

you can cum and sit with me and we can warm it together before we dump it on erectoman
I always do my warming alone Hiro. My molecules are dangerous you know :smug:
Quote by Hiro_nakamura

From what I've heard Captain Areola's big hose is about as much use as a chocolate teapot rolleyes

Theres only one way to find out darlin :rascal: :twisted:
Is that an offer or a threat :confused2:
It was supposed to be an offer rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
But then you've turned me down once before innocent
I never turn folk down, I just gently ask to be excused :giggle:
just dont excuse yourself over me im not into that sort of thing
Mmm now there's a thought :twisted:
Quote by Captain_areola

From what I've heard Captain Areola's big hose is about as much use as a chocolate teapot rolleyes

Theres only one way to find out darlin :rascal: :twisted:
Is that an offer or a threat :confused2:
It was supposed to be an offer rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
But then you've turned me down once before innocent
I never turn folk down, I just gently ask to be excused :giggle:
Quote by Buffyvampslayer
mmmmmmnnmmmm now mmnnmmmmmmmm i mmmmmnmmmmm know mmnnmmmmmm what mnmnmnmmmmmmmn muddle mmmmmnmnmnmmmn meant mnmnmmmmmmnm about mmnmmmmmmnm spikey mnmmmmmnmmmmn bits mnmnmmnmmnmnmnmn

redface Buffy is between waxes :lol2:
Should'nt that be muffy is between waxes ???
rotflmao Yes Buffy's muffy needs sorting
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: blink Shurrup you're getting silly now :laughabove:
Quote by Buffyvampslayer
mmmmmmnnmmmm now mmnnmmmmmmmm i mmmmmnmmmmm know mmnnmmmmmm what mnmnmnmmmmmmmn muddle mmmmmnmnmnmmmn meant mnmnmmmmmmnm about mmnmmmmmmnm spikey mnmmmmmnmmmmn bits mnmnmmnmmnmnmnmn

redface Buffy is between waxes :lol2:
Should'nt that be muffy is between waxes ???
Quote by Captain_areola

From what I've heard Captain Areola's big hose is about as much use as a chocolate teapot rolleyes

Theres only one way to find out darlin :rascal: :twisted:
Is that an offer or a threat :confused2:
Quote by Buffyvampslayer

blimy how long does it take to get THE CLITORUS wet then

If a jobs worth doing, it's worth doing properly :twisted: Battles are not won and planets not saved without plenty of preparation :grin:
Please let me help you get wet :rascal:
I'll bring my big hose :twisted:
You have to get me on fire first before using that hose on me :grin:
From what I've heard Captain Areola's big hose is about as much use as a chocolate teapot rolleyes
Quote by Buffyvampslayer

Thrud approaches Catlike, axe at the ready... sniff sniff…………..
“hummm!, should be safe, this one smells dead to me” poke

<<<<< knew she shouldn't have had that tin of tuna for lunch rolleyes
Can a superheroine say, "Eeeeewwwwwww" confused:
Quote by Erectoman

In fact the baby oil is starting to smoke like a well prepared wok .... are we ready to start cooking girls??? :twisted: :twisted:
yeah wheres that chicken when you need him

Hehe - I thought I wrote that. You're not what you seem are you.... confused
Well I was rather distracted whilst having my clitoris saved :grin:
Don't tell me it's saved already - am I too late?
I haven't even got one of me erections out yet!! sad :(
It must've been all the hands, works every time wink
Quote by Thrud
<<<<<<<< Fahrenheit arrives with carefully drawn out maps for the men and 2 truckloads of baby oil. I think I've got it covered :undecided: just need a few men that have more staying power than Captain Aereola and we should have it sorted rolleyes

Welcome Farenheit, you come prepared biggrin Let the quest begin :rascal:
Hello Buffy are you joining me in the clitoris rejuvenation project confused:
I'm with you!! Many hands make light work :D
Fahrenheit quivers slightly at the idea of many hands :rascal:
Thrud gets his axe, how many hands do you need?
Hey evil I prefer my hands to be attached to their arms thank you Mr all muscle no brains :roll:
Quote by Buffyvampslayer
<<<<<<<< Fahrenheit arrives with carefully drawn out maps for the men and 2 truckloads of baby oil. I think I've got it covered :undecided: just need a few men that have more staying power than Captain Aereola and we should have it sorted rolleyes

Welcome Farenheit, you come prepared biggrin Let the quest begin :rascal:
Hello Buffy are you joining me in the clitoris rejuvenation project confused:
I'm with you!! Many hands make light work :D
Fahrenheit quivers slightly at the idea of many hands :rascal:
Quote by Erectoman
<<<<<<<< Fahrenheit arrives with carefully drawn out maps for the men and 2 truckloads of baby oil. I think I've got it covered :undecided: just need a few men that have more staying power than Captain Aereola and we should have it sorted rolleyes

Welcome Farenheit, you come prepared biggrin Let the quest begin :rascal:
Hello Buffy are you joining me in the clitoris rejuvenation project confused:
Well I can see I'm not going to have to warm yours - it's already HOT.
In fact the baby oil is starting to smoke like a well prepared wok .... are we ready to start cooking girls??? :twisted: :twisted:
Bubbling nicely as we speak!
Quote by Erectoman
<<<<<<<< Fahrenheit arrives with carefully drawn out maps for the men and 2 truckloads of baby oil. I think I've got it covered :undecided: just need a few men that have more staying power than Captain Aereola and we should have it sorted rolleyes

I'm right behind you :twisted:
That was precisely my point about maps :roll:
So am I but I have long stretchy arms.
Has anyone seen my latest erection?
Yes it's buried in my backside at the moment ffs I'm trying to save a planet here evil
Quote by Hiro_nakamura
<<<<<<<< Fahrenheit arrives with carefully drawn out maps for the men and 2 truckloads of baby oil. I think I've got it covered :undecided: just need a few men that have more staying power than Captain Aereola and we should have it sorted rolleyes

will the baby oil get us there quicker ?
Without a doubt :twisted:
Quote by Buffyvampslayer
<<<<<<<< Fahrenheit arrives with carefully drawn out maps for the men and 2 truckloads of baby oil. I think I've got it covered :undecided: just need a few men that have more staying power than Captain Aereola and we should have it sorted rolleyes

Welcome Farenheit, you come prepared biggrin Let the quest begin :rascal:
Hello Buffy are you joining me in the clitoris rejuvenation project confused:
Quote by Hiro_nakamura
<<<<<<<< Fahrenheit arrives with carefully drawn out maps for the men and 2 truckloads of baby oil. I think I've got it covered :undecided: just need a few men that have more staying power than Captain Aereola and we should have it sorted rolleyes

I'm right behind you :twisted:
That was precisely my point about maps :roll:
<<<<<<<< Fahrenheit arrives with carefully drawn out maps for the men and 2 truckloads of baby oil. I think I've got it covered :undecided: just need a few men that have more staying power than Captain Aereola and we should have it sorted rolleyes
Quote by Thrud
Thrud eyes up wonder-pets and considers if they would go well in a Hobbit burger………
so begins the first quest of the day, food!

Come and see me Thrud and let me twiddle your molecules.
You'll soon forget about "beer"
Quote by Cybergirl

Don't know cool Why? do you have something that might tempt me :twisted:

I've got a few hot things that might tempt you, although I guess the fire extinguisher is out of the question dunno
:scared: wash your mouth out you evil wench evil
Quote by Cybergirl
I gotta find me a man with staying power rolleyes

Does it have to be a man dunno
Don't know cool Why? do you have something that might tempt me :twisted:
Quote by Captain_areola
Awww you started the party without me :cry:

I think I finished my party too redface
Could you help me re-start it darlin :twisted:
Tell me about your areolas :twisted:
Pointy, pert and prone to combustion wink