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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 56
0 miles · Milton Keynes


IMPORTANT :- If you are more than drive away, I'm not interested. If you are almost single/married/separated/or any kind of relationship, I'm not interested.


I have been told that I MAY possibly find what I seek here so here I am....fingers crossed.  Not here for casual hook ups or mindless sex (I can get that anytime if I so desire).  Please read my profile and only contact me if you are what I seek...I will question you and soon suss you out if you think you can pull the wool over my eyes.  I am a woman however I am not stupid!!

Random friends requests will be rejected unless we have met and I wish for us to be friends

My attitude depends on your attitude .

Fiesty by name, feisty by nature however not one to make wars, fights or confrontations. I would rather walk away than fight however put me in the ring....I have dealt with enough bullshit to see bullshit so do not mistake my kindness for weakness. You will find that I am very blunt. So much so, some of you that have a delicate disposition, won't like me.

I stepped into the  BDSM scene back in July 2011 and then to munches in October 2011 but there is still much for me to learn about myself, others, life, the universe......and of course not forgetting kink happy

I have had a few trip ups along the way (who hasn't?) and made mistakes, however they are part of the learning process.

I would say that I do have submissive tendencies mingled with some masochist/impact/sensation tendencies. Until I am safe within myself and who I may get involved with, I will top from the bottom. My submission has been used against me so a Bottom I will stay

" if a women is not submissive to a man it is not because she lacks the ability to submit, rather he lacked the ability to create for her a place in her heart and mind to fall to her knees." anonymous

I am proud of who I am today. Very self sufficient, independent, honest, caring, giving and I will go to the moon and back for those I care about. However if I feel I am being taken advantage of, I will have no qualms in saying something. Respect is given where it is due and if I faulter, then please do show me the error of my ways. Life is constantly evolving and always a learning curve. Something good ALWAYS comes out of something bad, even though we may not see it at the time. I am not quite sure where I am going within this lifestyle, however I am enjoying the journey, the great people I have met and I sort of fit! lol

My Ideal Person Aged 40-60 (any younger and I will ignore you) He is not married/attached. Has integrity, honesty, can communicate (listening and talking), genuine, understanding, patient, self sufficient, is capable of looking after himself and others. Not a bully/misogynist/abusive/domineering and knows that thinking with his nether regions won't get him anywhere and appreciates that I am a person 1st. Tall too as sometimes I can be 6ft2 in my heels. Can laugh at himself as well as with others so a sense of humour is crucial

Ta muchly.

Oh, final note...I don't accept friends request. You figure out


Age: 40 - 65
Distance: 70 miles