Hi Guys n Girls,
Firstly a little info on myself l,m 44 healthy and in good shape...!!!! l have been swinging for around five years now and met some grate people....l now see two couples on a regular basis grate people take a bow P&G....as you can see l,m a firefighter and have been in for ten years and love it..befor that a Navy Clearance Diver....l,m in this for the excitement and fun and the buzz l get out of it....so if you like what you see why not drop me a line..
ps l,m allso looking for someone willing to share more maybe a change in life for the both of us l,m looking for someone with an open mind and not a closed one... a willingness to explore...what ever your situation is and if you want to grab life....and live it..!!! if your interested and maybe want someting differant contact me....