Thanks Sarah,
Always positive as we have know yas xx
Hiyas all,
Its a long time since I posted in the forum, but I felt I needed to air a view.
I am aware that all party/munch organisers have a protocol to follow.
Having organised loads of parties myself, I can understand reasons why.
As the many friends I have on this site know, I am disabled and find it hard to organise far in front due to not knowing how my health is going to be.
I also know there are a lot of SH members who also have a form of disability.
The issue I find frustrating is how rigid these rules are.
I know what you are possibly thinking........... why don't I put my name down just incase. The reason: I don't want to take up precious spaces only to let people down at the last minute. I know how frustrating this is for the organisers.
I have always been very respectful to all users on this site.
I feel on the parties/munches a little thought could be made towards the "special" swingers. I know I can be fully recommended by all my friends, as like many of the other "special" swingers.
In this changing world, more consideration is being given to special members of society - perhaps SH could take this on board.
I am aware quite often parties/munches were organised in places that ensured all SH members were able to access them.
So come on people of SH lets be united in this and make some changes.
Hugs n all
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Well what can I say but a very big thank you to our friend Jon and Sue for a brilliant party with a twist and all the hard work that was put into the organising and setting up.
It has to been the most "childish" fun that we have all experienced in many years and what a fantastic time was had by all who participated.
Perhaps we are going to set a new trend in the world of swinging.
The chocolate fountain party was such a great laugh and it got so many people together for some messy fun.
Here is to more fun with the chocolate.
Hugs and all
Funin and Mike
Hiyas all,
Through popular demand there is going to be a couples only night in a local swinging club on 9th December.
So come on all you couples local to Bournemouth lets go and have a great time.
Hopefully will see you there Redhot hunny as will be the best way to introduce you
hopefully see loads of you there
Email me through the system
Hugs and all
Funin and Mike
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Thanks Pete and I am sure we all will
Hugs n all
Funin and Mike
Hiyas all,
Myself and some friends are organising a Christmas party.
The party will be held locally in Bournemouth although, this time, not at our house.
The party will be in the theme of leather n lace or towels.
The party will start at 8pm and go on to the early hours.
Anyone who is interested please can they email us through the site
This is going to be a great party and will be time for people to have fun just before the mad rush in the count down to Christmas
Look forward to seeing people there
Hugs n kisses
Funin and Mike
:thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled:
Hi Dorrrrset,
We've been going to the club for a long time now and really enjoy it.
As with all clubs its what you make of it.
We have met so many lovely people down there who have become good friends.
The advice we always give to people going there is don't go there expecting to play.
Go there to socialize and get to know people and if you get to play then thats a bonus.
The team down there always make you feel welcome.
Just show respect to everyone and you will be pleasently surprised.
Have fun
Funin and Mike
Just a quickie to say thanks to SW for a great evening
It was good meeting people we know as well as new faces.
Jacki - I still have your thong hun and will return it soon
As promised no playing with the choccie cake although I was offering my cherry to many peeps as ever
Its amazing what alcohol does to help forget my health issues - unfortunately my body is punishing me now but it was worth it.
I will be in the room at stages today but then that will be it until the week - if I get let out on good behaviour.
Thanks for everyones well wishes.
Hugs and all things nice
funin and mike
Well it just goes to show what all us true swingers say and know.....................
SWINGING IS NOT JUST ABOUT SHAGGING - its about the social side and this goes to prove it 100% xx
the sex and playing side is t he added bonus
hugs to all
Well the weekend has come to a close
All our friends have gone now and the house is empty
Again ty to all the peeps who came
ty to Tanina and Stuart for all their help over the weekend as well as having a fab day yesterday seeing their "other" side of life
hugs to all
funin and mike
Hiyas all,
A great big thank you to all who came last nite
As ever it was a scream
The party was made gr8
as ever by the fantastic peeps who came
it was gr8 meeting new peeps as well as peeps we've known for years
i admit i was the 1 who broke the rules - but i have always rebelled against rules
as ever all the single guys who came proved how genuine and good single guys are as well as prove that its a positive thing being a single guy
can't wait for the next 1
hugs and kisses and all things nice
funin and mike
Our thoughts are with you VT hun
Hope you are well
Sad you can't make it hun as i am sure the break would do you some good
Hugs and kisses all over
Just a quicky,
Anyone who has been to our house before and has not still got the details can they let me know please and i will send them the email as well
Soz was being lazy not sending everyone one
Hugs and all things nice
OK peeps
After a long agonising week literally I am on the mend again
This means the weekend is definately going ahead
Mind I will have to take it easier than usual................................
I will be working out the names etc and sending out emails to all that want to come
As ever we have had a large number of single males request coming
We will look at the final list and then take things from there so apologies to any that don't recieve an email
Please note that there are several couples etc that have not replied to the posting but we know will be coming
As a lot of you who have come before know we do not post a list of who is coming as its our party and we make the choices
Only 9 sleeps tp go for the main party
Anyone who wants to come on the Friday night please let us know
Just to warn you we will most likely be heading to the local swinging club. It is extremely welcoming as well as great fun. If you want the details of the club then please pm us for the info.
Hugs and al things nice
Funin and Mike
I agree we do make a pair of old crocks hun, although somone is older than the other.
I knew my body would end up making me regret the decision to postpone the rehab.
We will just have to get the men looking after us hun (and the fems for me lol)
Keeping everything crossed that all is going to be "well" for the partyweekend.
We will keep intouch with how things are going.
It might just mean that I have a lot of nurses around to help me lol
hugs and all for now