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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 55
0 miles · Bournemouth


Sending hugs and kisses.
I am so sorry and shocked to here this news.
It is always sad when someone you know passes away and so young.
There is never any reasoning behind it....
I too agree about living your lives to the full.
I am having probs being seen in the chatroom and I can not see any typing, the whole of the chatters lists or even type.
Whats happened to me!!!
hugs funin
Hiyas all,
After 2 months without internet access I am back xx
Lots to update on.
As peeps can see from my profile I am now single after my 4 year relationship ended with Mike.
Please don't feel sad - the relationship was not as good as peeps thought and I am so relieved to be single.
I am definately making the most of being single after what I have been through.
Also for peeps who haven't seen me in a while I have been sorting myself out.
I am nearly 8 stone lighter!!
I am toning up and getting fitter at the gym - although, as peeps know, I am a little restricted in what I can do.
My speciality is Body Combat mind - don't p*** me off - only joking.
Hopefully when things are settled I will be able to start my UK tour again (for those of you who remember I still have the shirt).
I have so missed seeing my friends, some of whom I have know for years.
Here's to a future full of Fun, Happiness, sex, sex,making friends, sex, going to parties, did I mention sex???!!!!.
Take care all
Hugs and kisses
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Can I just say a massive thank you to everyone who came to the party.
As always it was shagtastic
Its so great to see everyone and was good to meet new people
You all made it a brilliant weekend
Hugs, kisses and licks all over
biggrin :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
After an absolutely fantastic nite last nite - tonite is the nite............
Can't wait for peeps to get here lol xx
C yas all later
Hugs n all
PS ty vicky hunny xx
The weekend of fun begins tonight..............
Can't wait
Look forward to seeing you all at ours
Hugs n all
I can't believe it........
Busy cleaning the house and what do I do..............
Drop a friggin table on my big toe!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its not broken.......just badly bruised....
The more serious issue for me know is.........
Will I get my boots on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's hoping the prescribed rest works.
2 more sleeps till Friday
Just amn update:
We have just sent out the emails and on our list (as not all are from this site)
We have 9 couples and 6 single males.
A very interesting night ahead xx
Only 5 more sleeps xx
Hiyas all,
I am just sending out the invites.
Single males if you don't receive the details it is due to having a lot of guys others drop out.
Just watch out again for another party.
OK Fabio thanx for letting us know
Soz Barbara you are unable to make it ... it looks like its gonna be a good one xx
Any probs drop us a line
Hugs n all
Hiyas peeps,
Just to let you know.............
I am always gentle whip
Not long to go.
Hugs n all
Losts of interest
Good to see new peeps putting their name down as well.
Barbara abd George you're very welcome to stay (and prctice on me wink )
Skip n run will catch up wiv yas and ur very welcome
Will catch up wiv other peeps.
Its looking good as we have other friends that we know from our local club coming.
Can wait - have booked the week off before to get ready and rest up, athen the week after to recover!!!!!!! funin
Great to see peeps starting to put their names down on the list.
Mind I feel, for part of it, perhaps I should have put swingers reunited.
Come on everyone, if you want to meet new friends and old, feel totally relaxed without the embarassment of people playing around downstairs, from newbies to the more experienced swinger and you want to have a fantastic time then put your names down and come and see for yourself.
If you have any concerns you can always mail me through the site.
Lets live life and have fun
Hugs n all
Our parties must be good if peeps come back year after year.
Glad to see you are on tour Stuart_Tanins huns xx
Woohoo Fabio.
It will be good to see yas.
Isn't it amazing no locals interested just some who is mega miles away
Hiyas to you all,
Well I think its time we had a party at ours.
As, coincidently, it’s my birthday in February its good to combine both.
It’s been ages since we opened our doors.
As lots of you know our parties are open to all, including newbies.
We have rules to ensure people don’t feel uncomfortable:
· Absolutely no playing downstairs.
· No smoking in the house.
· No means no.
Our motto is for everyone to have a good night.
As we are in Bournemouth we open our doors on the Friday night for people to stay over if they travel a long way, as well as anyone staying over the Saturday night.
We have spare 1 double bed and 1 king-size bed (kids will be away that weekend).
We also have a large lounge and spare room if people want to bring inflatable mattresses etc with them.
On the Friday night we will arrange to go the local swinging club – it is small and very friendly so not scary for newbies to clubs.
All details will be sent nearer the time.
Hugs and all
Funin and Mike
Hiyas WBB hun,
Good to hear u are having a rest.
Hope UNI is going well.
I trust your Xmas was fab.
Say hiyas to your older half.
Take care and chat soon
Hugs and all
Funin and Mike
I know what you are not good at Dawnie ....................................
certain sex toys ........... NOTFS always cums to mind
I am good at bj's and sex but bad at keeping men long term .... lol
What good news.
We are both really pleased to hear things are improving although, I am sure, it will be 1 step at a time.
My brain has been in its usual overtime mode and I was thinking..............
When I was very poorly a couple of years ago a certain member on this site was organising a party.
Unbeknown to me he held it in my honour and money was raised so I could have additional rehabilitation.
Now there was a party this past weekend, down south, that makes a profit.
How about using the profit to put towards something really special for Mr and Mrs BB (as they have gone through hell over the past year at least)and the rest going to their nominated charity.
I am sure people would feel they then have helped towards something beneficial.
What do people think?
Hugs n all
Funin and Mike
Hi Mr BB,
Having met you both and the struggles you have been going through for a while now this is so devestating to hear.
All our thoughts are with you both.
Please send Mrs BB our love and warm hugs.
Sending you hugs and kisses.
Our prayers remain with you both
Funin and Mike
Of course this sites great:
I AM HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm back,
I have been reading all the comments and it is so warming to see what people have been writing.
Although my pain is still extremely bad from my situation I am starting to get to grips with things and am looking forward to driving my hire car!
Obviously I am still nervous "incase" I break down again, but after such an experience I feel I wouldn't be the only 1, disabled or not.
Voddy - for your information the policeman I spent an hour with was EXTREMELY shaggable .......... just a pity we met in these circumstances!!!!
Thanks to everyone
Love yas all
Hugs and kisses
Hiyas Plim,
Sorry I had to write a comment to this.
Up until my accident in 200 I was extremely fit, slim and was burning the candle at both ends.
Then all this freedom that I felt then was taken away from me.
I fought long and hard to “get myself better” but foolishly I had stuck at the same job and my injury progressively worsened. (a message to us all – don’t be bloody minded)
In 2004 I unfortunately had yet another relapse, which led to 7 weeks in hospital and learning to walk again.
I went to a Munch very soon after I was discharged from hospital. I went in my wheelchair and I had put on several stone. My god what a difference I saw in people.
I certainly knew who my friends were after that night.
The amount of people that kept on looking over, not saying hi, including some people I had known for a long time!
I felt totally humiliated and insulted by them.
Having used a wheelchair for several years now – luckily only occasionally at present, the amount of “looks” you get from strangers as well as people you knew, people talking over you or just being blanked.
It used to make me so angry, then finally I had the view that it’s them who have the problem not me.
People can be so judgemental of the unknown, but don’t bother to find out!!!
There is a positive side to the Internet though.
People get to know the personality; therefore they don’t see the looks or disabilities etc.
I come over as a very flamboyant female online (to say the very least) – because that’s whom I am. Why should I act as though I have a disability?
I don’t tell people, automatically, that I am disabled because that’s my business, it doesn’t change who I am.
Plim, my sincere advice to you is holding your head high and start living your life for yourself, not for society.
I have learnt the hard way that life is so short, with a flick of a switch life can change so dramatically but with shear determination you can get back living life but in a different way but much more fuller.
Sorry if I have gone on a bit but this is really close to my heart.
Hugs and all
Hiyas all,
Thought I'd share this with you.
As my friends are aware,I am disabled and have been for nearly 8 years after an accident at work.
I have always tried to ensure I fight my disability and keep going–proving to everyone I can do it.
(When you are different from most people you try to put at least 110% into things).
I could very easily take, in my opinion, the easy way and be disabled off for the rest of my life – but then,to me,my disability has got the better of me!
I come across to most as a very strong person and, as with everyone,I do have my bad days.
It exhausts me putting on this persona to people but I feel I am achieving things.
Then my car broke down…………………………
Just to explain,I have a motability car,which I rely on all the time to get around.
My car couldn’t have stopped on a “nice” road, but on the worst and most dangerous road in Dorset.
Not only that I broke down just around a sharp corner where there have been many accidents,of which a number had led to deaths.
I managed, praying constantly and willing my car with all my strength, to coast partly off the road into a hedge,but alas I was still blocking part of the road.
Now I panicked,not just a little,but massively.
I lost all my confidence, thinking:
·Should I keep my seatbelt on so when I get hit at least it might protect me a bit?
·Should I get out the car, as advised by police and motoring organisations?
·If I could get out the car, where would I go? say the least.
What I did:
·Phoned the police for urgent help.
·Phoned the RAC ASSIST Team for help – at least ¾ hour.
·Inform home of my situation and keep updating them.
The police arrived and I was completely, in my view, pathetic and vulnerable.
I was in tears because they were now here to protect me from all the lorries,let alone the cars.
They were so helpful–2 police cars were dispatched and it ended in the policemen actually pushing my car, in freezing conditions,a few hundred yards into a ditch to ensure we were all a lot safer.
Unfortunately for me,the freezing conditions had taken their toll and my spine and hip had ceased up and the pain was excruciating.
I was offered to sit in the police car but I couldn’t move!
Finally the RAC came and between the police and him they managed to get me out the car and I dragged myself into the RAC van.
I still can’t believe how this incident was such a hard reminder of reality and the fact I am disabled and I am unable to do basic things that most people take for granted – it was extremely distressing to have such a hard slap in the face.
I am sure it will take a few days for my confidence to prevail again and I go on, pretending, I am invincible.
Love and Hugs
Hiyas all,
Just to say a massive TY to Easy and Sassy for a gr8 munch - my ears are still buzzing - and no i haven't misplaced my vibrator.
It was the 1st NW Munch we have attended in ages- my last 1 being when i was in my wheelchair!!!
It was great meeting peeps both new and old - soz for the peeps i didn't recognise but, alas, its due to poor short term memory.
After my night of dancing away with my crutch I have found muscles I haven't felt in ages!!!
Thanx for all the gr8 compliments from peeps who hadn't seen the "new" me and thanx for all the snogs and hugs.
Soz for the peeps I disturbed in the toilets!!!! it was all inocent lol xx
Can wait to continue being on tour again xx
hugs to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
:thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled:

BE MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!
So excited now
Can't wait to see all our friends as well as meet others.
Funin and Mike
OMG I can't believe it - I have known then for several years.
Please give our love to them both and we are praying for Paul to make a full recovery.
Hugs and all
Funin and Mike
Hi Frecklebird,
Sorry I was in the bath!!
Just to claryfy the reason for the original posting was I felt it unfair that some hosts who organise parties/munches are very rigid and could perhaps be more conderate to us "special" swingers, not just me.
Hope this helps
PS Blonde - we never left!!!!!!! lol
Sorry peeps...............
Just to add
Disabilities come in all shapes and sizes.
I am aware most people do think its more about the wheelchair.
I have used a wheelchair previously, as well as going to a munch in it.
I have worked very hard over the past few years to learn to walk again so I rely on a cruch now to aid with my walking - but like everyone I have my good and bad days.
Hugs and all things nice to you all
Hi peeps,
Thanks for your positive feedback...
I have taken the "plunge" and have emailed a host of a party/munch.
So far no reply but its early days.
Hugs n all