Plim, I play with a guy who has similar probs to you due to a condition he has....and he gets very down as he gets overlooked constantly once people see his face pics.
I happened to meet this person by chance at a party and all I can say is :shock: OMFG!!!!! people who overlook him are missing out BIG time!!!!
He is amazing in every sense of the word, and he is the guy who made me 'squirt' for the first ever time which I didnt know I could do, and very many times since!!!
I love him to bits as he is kind, considerate, intelligent and funny too. His personality is fab, and I count myself lucky to have him as a friend as well as a play partner too.
All I can say is people who just go for looks can miss out big style on hidden depths or sexual pleasures as well as a beautiful personality and friendships too.
Take heart plim, not all of us are shallow, and there will be people out there who will look deeper.
Loads of love, Mrs B xxxx
Can remember going to a party this summer in Southampton where there was an extremely pretty girl there who was thalidomide, very very short arms but perfect in everyway.
I can remember talking to her and after just 2 mins never even noticed her arms at all, seriously not one bit.. It never went anywhere with us but she had the most amazing outlook on life and a lovely personality. Guys were flocking to her like bee's to honey..
My point would be your personality would win over any physical defects and maybe just maybe you hold yourself back?
Just a thought ...........
Hiyas Plim,
Sorry I had to write a comment to this.
Up until my accident in 200 I was extremely fit, slim and was burning the candle at both ends.
Then all this freedom that I felt then was taken away from me.
I fought long and hard to “get myself better” but foolishly I had stuck at the same job and my injury progressively worsened. (a message to us all – don’t be bloody minded)
In 2004 I unfortunately had yet another relapse, which led to 7 weeks in hospital and learning to walk again.
I went to a Munch very soon after I was discharged from hospital. I went in my wheelchair and I had put on several stone. My god what a difference I saw in people.
I certainly knew who my friends were after that night.
The amount of people that kept on looking over, not saying hi, including some people I had known for a long time!
I felt totally humiliated and insulted by them.
Having used a wheelchair for several years now – luckily only occasionally at present, the amount of “looks” you get from strangers as well as people you knew, people talking over you or just being blanked.
It used to make me so angry, then finally I had the view that it’s them who have the problem not me.
People can be so judgemental of the unknown, but don’t bother to find out!!!
There is a positive side to the Internet though.
People get to know the personality; therefore they don’t see the looks or disabilities etc.
I come over as a very flamboyant female online (to say the very least) – because that’s whom I am. Why should I act as though I have a disability?
I don’t tell people, automatically, that I am disabled because that’s my business, it doesn’t change who I am.
Plim, my sincere advice to you is holding your head high and start living your life for yourself, not for society.
I have learnt the hard way that life is so short, with a flick of a switch life can change so dramatically but with shear determination you can get back living life but in a different way but much more fuller.
Sorry if I have gone on a bit but this is really close to my heart.
Hugs and all
Ive 2 tales to tell about disabilites
1 - After I left my now X husband, I turned to the net as a way of meeting & talking to people ,where on a "normal" site I got talking to a bloke, we chatted loads online, on cam as well even into the early hours, for hours on end, talked on the phone & got on sooooo well it was unreal, he gave me all the attention i needed,i spoke to loads of other people as well, but we really hit it off, well after a few weeksf talking we arranged to meet, chatted that morn, even n hour before he was due at mine, we spokeon the phone, 2 hours later he hadnt arrived , he lived in Leeds so was about an hour maybe 90 mins if traffic was bad, i called, his phone was off, called loads over the next few hours, but nothing,he never answered my emails or calls to his answer phone then a few weeks later, he was suddenly back, said hed had a call on his way n that a family member was ill, so had to go home, fair enough but why not just let me know, we chatted again n a few weeks after that arranged to meet again, this time he bottled out at the last min, saying he wasnt well, ok i accepted that n we continued to chat, we arranged another 3 times after that to meet, but every time he had an excuse, (those days were b4 i took excuses)anyway, im waffling now, he came back online again, i gave him loads of shit n i mean loadsssss of verbal,he asked me to click on his cam, we were on msn, i said no ,what was the point,he begged me so i did, he looked at the cam really coyly, said keep looking and then he pushed his chair back, it didnt register at 1st, but when i looked close he was in a wheelchair, i was gobsmacked to say the least, not at him being in a chair, but at the fact that we had spoken on line for over 18mths n he felt that he couldnt tell me,i thought alot abthis bloke n was sooooo upset that he thought that id be so small minded about his disability, it wouldnt have made a diff to me, i know because my nxt point is..
2 - I used to go out with my mates alot, n 1 night we got chatting to a gang of blokes, there was a bloke in a wheelchair,(turns out he was my mates fellas' mate so she knew him) who was gorgeous!! n had a grt persoanlity as well,we saw him out loads over a the next few weeks, then i plucked up the courage to ask him out 1 night grrrr, wish i hadnt because he said even though we got on, he didnt like larger woman or redheads!!! needless to say my ego was on the floor!!
So it doesnt have anything to do with your disability its peoples views, whether disabilty, colour, haircolour, size, people all have their hangups, whether deep down we are nice, decent people.
So Plim ive been on the other end of being rejected by a disabled person xxj
hi there....
the thing with most persons within the swinging fraternity frown upon myself for being a person with a disability. i get called ugly... a minger plus other things. granted the peeps who say this are so shallow they dont realize wot hurt they can inflict.
i have a disability that effects my musclular look,and i do look thin in the face and body. at clubs, its hard to get folks to realize this. as have been asked to put my clothes back on. this does not tend to give a positive reaction. the minority and not the majority have weak minded thoughts.
there are good ones out there who are understanding, and do care about it. only way to get on with your disability is to be honest, be strong about yourself. and most importantly is to have a personality,,, u cannot dwell on things. if a person or persons who cannot accept for who you are, then you are a better person than them who stare and point... or chat behind your back with snide remarks.
I've met a very sexy woman on here who has cerebal palsy that has paralysed one side of her body. She has an extremely sexy / dirty side to her and just her e mails get me hard. I wasn't sure how I'd be with her in case I got turned off but all turned out well and we're planning on meeting again. I'm glad I didn't take the easy option and say "you're not for me" as I'd have missed out on having some great fun and meeting a highly intelligent and sexy woman. Here's to you T xxx