Taken from Wiki wotsit
List of famous residents of Wolverhampton
There are a number of notable people who are associated with Wolverhampton.
Political figures include Enoch Powell MP, Sir Charles Pelham Villiers MP - who holds the record for the longest serving MP, Helene Hayman, Baroness Hayman who was the first Lord Speaker within the House of Lords, former Cabinet minister Stephen Byers, David Wright, a former UK Ambassador to Japan and Button Gwinnett, who was a signatory of the US Declaration of Independence in his capacity as Governor of Georgia.
There are many sportspeople associated with the city, with footballers such as Billy Wright, Steve Bull, Bert Williams and Jimmy Mullen; along with Percy Stallard and Hugh Porter within the world of cycling, the Olympic medallist swimmer Anita Lonsbrough, racing driver and winner of the 24 hours of Le Mans Richard Attwood and athletes such as Tessa Sanderson and Denise Lewis.
Entertainers include actors Nigel Bennett, Frances Barber, Meera Syal and Eric Idle; and musicians Noddy Holder, Jamelia, Beverley Knight, Dave Holland, Maggie Teyte, Edward Elgar, Mitch Harris and Robert Plant; whilst television presenters Suzi Perry, Mark Rhodes and Mark Speight are also associated.
Within the area of commerce and industry, Sir Alfred Hickman (founder of Tarmac), Sir Geoffrey Mander, John Marston (founder of the Sunbeam company), John 'Iron Mad' Wilkinson (pioneer of Cast Iron) and Mervyn King Governor of the Bank of England are amongst the most notable.
When here the first time i got to the point i could post anything even very personal stuff and often diddue to the fact i knew i'd get a lot of help and support on things. But now i mostly have sat and watched even when i wasnt a paid member i still read the forums.
I certainly isn`t the place it once was for me, that goes for the forum and the chat. Some of that is because i don't play anymore but mostly i it is because it just don't seem to be the same fun place anymore.
There was allways dissagreements yes but the amount of abuse i have seen latly is shocking.
I miss the old place but when my membership expires i dont think i will miss it so much this time just some of the people in it.
or see if there is a back up recovery drive with all the default factory setup on it and run it from ther by hitting F8 or somthin like during boot and select recover
Get well soon Pete
Best wishes and have a good Xmas
Not good with poems ect. so ill just say
To Mom and Dad will miss you both on this my first Christmass without you both.
Love you both allways
Happy Birthday Warmer xxx