Well put, Bayboy 1664. The latest figures I have available re trade (published in 2010) show that Britain needs the EU like a drowning man needs more water when it comes to this subject.
Figures from the Office for National Statistics show that between 1999 and 2009 we went billion into the red with the EU but made a profit of billion trading with the rest of the world.
GnV wrote that there are "a lot of good bits" about being in the EU. Kindly tell us of one worth the each per day membership fee (latest figure, produced by Professor of Economics Tim Congdon) if you would, GnV.
Please do not mention "peace in our time" (the oft quoted one) as that has been secured by NATO.
Oh dear, "there are non so blind as those who will not see".
Yes, I concede that opinion poll questions can be written in such a way as to get the answer the setter wants; go to (say) a swingers club on a Saturday night and ask how many think the lifestyle is acceptable and you will get about 100% say "yes"; ask the same question of the congregation at your local church on Sunday and you will most likely get the opposite answer! On Monday the "Daily Rag" will carry the headline "99% of the population approve (or disapprove) of swinging".
As to having "a mandate" the mere fact of winning over 50% of the seats at a general election is not a mamdate to do what the winning party wants. They produce a manifesto and it is from that paper that we make our choice as to the next government.
No party (I've read all the Labour/Tory manifestos since 1964) declared their intention to sell Britain out to a foreign government - but did it anyway.
The Conservatives are big at pretending to be anti EU (in Britain) but in the Brussels parliament never actually vote against the latest proposal, however damaging it may be to our nation. If they genuinely "wanted out" why are they not doing something about it? Why are they not going for "Dave's cast iron guarantee" of an "in/out" referendum? The only answer is because they know the result will be an overwhelming "yes" to leave!
Ah yes, the infamous "Commission". Perhaps someone here can tell me when we last held an election to decide who sat on it? When did Mr Barrosso, for example, last have his name on the paper at your local polling station? Yet he has much sway and power over this nation, far more than even Dave Cameron.
And yes, UKIP has the second largest contingent of MEPs in the British section of the EU, but they, like all other MEPs, are largely powerless in the EU as it is the Commission which holds the authority and final say.
And yes illegal because it was not Heath's country to do with what he liked, nor any other PM, but ours (the electorate) and our nation was stolen from us and given away when Heath took us in without a mandate (ie, authorisation or permission from the "owners" of GB plc - us, the voters).
Since you ask, my thoughts are fairly uncomplicated.
Ted Heath signed us into the EU without a mandate (see the 1974 Labour manifesto for confirmation), and told a pack of lies to sell it to the British people (trading bloc, will have no significant political effect ect) but he knew as early as 1960 that the intention was to make a political Europe as one nation run from Brussels. The so called "referendum" of 1975 was a one sided "fixed" fiasco where big business ran the "yes" side with "unlimited" funds while the NO campaign was largely unsupported and finally relied on selling tee shirts and pens to raise funds! I remember it well as I was helping it out as best I could.
If we were to type out all the rules, regulations and laws Brussels forces on us on ordinary A4 paper and post them side by side along the M4 it would stretch from London to Bristol, AND NOW SOME 75 TO 80% of the way we live is decided by a foreign, arguably illegal, government. I say "illegal" because we British never voted for it nor has it been enforced on us through some lost war.
People, even some here, knock the Daily Mail or Express but they are only telling the truth (look behind the headlines).
Basically I see the only way out, thereby regaining our traditional independence and freedoms, is by supporting the only moderate party wanting to get us out.
I hope this explains my motivation and answers your question.
If it doesn't please ask again; unlike the "others" UKIP officials pride themselves on plain answers.
The obvious one is "watersports", you know, swimming, sailing etc.
In another thread we talk about poor spelling; in the quotes here we see why poor spelling, or more accurately good spelling, is important.
Sorry to have broken in, back to the competition.
Thanks Cubes, your comments made me feel a bit better. Not that I "bruise" so easily but as a "new boy" finally taking the plunge into a largely unknown (to me) scene I was left feeling a bit unwelcome by some.
I am heavily involved in UK politics (hence no picture on my profile) and can say without doubt that there is no real difference between the main parties because all the rules, regulations and directives come from Brussels. That is why I work for another party (NOT the BNP) wanting to regain our independence.
Hello all, I'm new here (joined yesterday) so maybe I shouldn't comment but poor spelling is everywhere these days, not just here, and few seem to care. Very sad. But I think it is important as the correct spelling, or poor spelling, can alter the entire meaning of a post.