Apologies to JudyTV.
I've been a bit of a twat.
Please my apologies.
Heh, heh, heh.
They also cause MIST at DAWN methinks.
Am I right about the wet bit or should I have stuck with moist.
A good word that. MOIST.
Watching threesome porn does not translate to wanting to have a threesome any more thaan watching a James Bond film translates to wanting a liscence to kill.
There's no personal involvement between her an the performers in a porn film so of course she can watch them with emotional detachment.
However, you are her lover and she has an emotional attachment to YOU.
Can you blame her for feeling threatened by the idea of bringing someone else into the relationship.
She doesn't feel SAFE.
This is why she is unable to open up to you as she's afraid that you may use anything she says to put her into a compromising position. This may have happended to her in the past.
Let it go for now.
As she feels more SECURE in the relationship she will open up to you but not if you keep bringing up a subject that she's not, for now, comfortable with.
Just my opinion. Maybe a woman can tell me if I'm speaking total bollox or not.
Hmmm let's see .
They're soft and lumpy and wonderful to dive into.
They have a tendency to go in and out throughout the day.
They're affected by the gravitational pull of the moon
and they make a lovely swishy sound when they hit the shoreline.
Oh.. and they're wet.
I was talking to someone at work about a program called 'Real Wife Swaps' on the telly and she told me that the people on it had their own web site.
I went hunting for it on google and joined up.
I cant't say was overly impressed with it and this site was mentioned so I headed over here to have a look and Bingo, struck gold.
I've been reading the forum for a few weeks now and partially joined about two weeks ago but didn't complete registration until Crash Tuesday.
I have to say that whatever I thought about swingers before has evolved somewhat.
I have found that you all come in different shapes & sizes and are prone to all the aches and pains, happiness and joys as everyone else.
i like it here, not as a swinger but as a person with a GSOH.
I know it's a bit much to say this as a newbie myself but I am a bit saddenned by the HUGE influx of some types. I know what it's like when your local gets discovered by the mob who descend upon it without regard to the established culture.
Hopefully this place will settle down back to what it was a month ago, because I'm missing the lively banter and even the fights and snipes which occur any group .
ps. please hide this post from the scary polo-lady
Step on - Happy Mondays. Classic zombie out track.
Why would you want to do that.
Can you go back to normal if you don't like it?
Or would you end up with a couple of Gnarly bits
This is gonna make you sick so get the bucket out.
Visually, I love large boobs and would probably aproach some one with large boobs over someone with small boobs.
So saying my last GF had small boobs
In the end though it is the person attached to them what counts the most.
Now spew you guts out.
Actually, I think Tick-off is a de-lousing spray, but I may be wrong, I often am.
I tried MSN once and it did something to my Pc which was causing me some concern so I removed it as I wasn't getting any use out of it, much prefer to pick up the phone as I like to hear peoples voices. I'll probably put it on again at a later date.
I saw that flash animation in a post a few weeks amusing it was too.
I'm not a big fan of seemingly change for change sake myself. However, I have to admit that more often than not I've found the changes to be improvements.
I guess it's fear of the unknown.
Once the unknown becomes a known then it isn't so annoying.. or unknown.
Donald Rumsfeld, eat your heart out.
Once again, thanks for the welcome.
Thanks for the welcome.
I am not of the wanna shag bregade.
Going from posts I have seen I am probably more at the Harry Jones end of the specturm.
However, please do not ask me do demonstrate anything along the lines of the 'speedwhack' as some of my parts may be datachable and I wouldn't want to find out the hard way.
I am a bit disapointed what I threw out a line like 'Observing the lay of the land' and didn't get a nibble.
Ok. I'll admit that I've been lurking for a while.
Observing the lay of the land.
As the site has changed I've decided to come out of the shadows.
So hello everyone.