theres your answer above ..........
we all have bad moments, days, weeks,months years and so and so on i agree with steve nw shit happens deal with it your an adult.
surely you have family, freinds ect in the real world who should help you with your problems instead of strangers from around the counrty offering there advice and support ...............................
im pissed off that i have not won the lottery and have to be up at 6-30am again but hey the real world is a tough place
thankyou libra . I hope my grammar is to everyone's liking in this post, as certain people will get upset and retort with more hot air and bullshit .
mal your saw through my plan :shock: , i wish i did know what it meant , and i was only having a little jape with my original reply , plus im curious to know as i guess you are what all the dots and dashes mean.
plus Mr chamone can reply and say it is anything and we have to take his word for it anyhow its a very clever way of communicating if you know how to type it or what it means , cos i dont and im sure im not alone !! :confused:
but very funny anyhow
ive seen quite a bit thankyou and met some interesting geniune people so thanks for your apparant concern :P
thats oh so rude dont stand for that silky
id love to show myself but i,ll loose my super hero disguise :lol2:
that was my oponion , sorry if you think its immature
vix your two years older than me !! your pictures do not do you justice at all i thoght you were alot older , maybe its me that needs the glasses then !! :shock:
i like the small text greg as i have young eyes being only 32 i can read it fine . if no one else can read it that proves one of two things either
(1) your getting old and your falling apart
(2) your eyes dont work cos your too old !!
rabbits shit everywhere so daz and lou be carefull
there you go a desicisive answer for your evenings entertainment
watch the telly
i was going to ignore this post at your request but ive replied :doh:
sorry its a serious thread :undecided: i should of reliased :doh:
who let gywenth paltrow in here
are you discriminating of deaf people
said it for you chappylad!!! :kick:
how dissapointing when i read this i thought it was about being sucked off :scared: