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3 days ago
Straight Male, 66
Straight Female, 62
0 miles · Redcar


Quote by dave_lancs
not really interested in rubbing my cock against another without having at least something other than a condom between them

This is my big question re. VDP - how can it work if both men must wear condoms?
Lots and lots of lube, but still, the friction can break the condom. One with and one without works ok.
yes it does....very nicely thank you very much...... wink
This ugly old bugger is only 7 miles away and have just seen it lol..hope you got sorted !!!
Quote by Too Hot
Sorry but that is just plain silly. We are actively looking now for a single guy for next Saturday night but we are not just going to choose anyone. Just cos you are on a site like this you can't expect to be able to pull a bunny out of the hat. ALL women are choosy and picky and my other half may look through a hundred profiles, short list ten - ask for more pics and still end up choosing no-one - why??? Cos it is her body and she has a right to choose someone she will feel aroused by and comfortable with in what is a very intimate and vulnerable situation.
I'd suggest that you need to rethink your approach.
Good luck.

Well said you are bang on//its her choice not yours.......we also look through profile or add after add.....sometimes we get there sometimes we dont.
as said above if you think joining this site is gonna get you a shag everytime you want one...then you have made a big mistake.
Quote by rammie
thanks guys mrs had a real good time on sand dunes will be back soon boys xxxxx

let me know when you are coming back ..
Hya just out of interest is there much happening down in leicester..male half here and ime going to be in a travel lodge overnight 10th january....and was just wondering if there is much fun about down there.
Possibly south gare....met a few couples down there..there are quiet a few gay/bi males so it depends what you are really looking for....let me know if you decide to try it please.
Quote by kaz_allen
you lot have no sense of adventure lol

h and t u mite regret saying that I have been known to do some wild and daft things and if the weather is ok hot has said we can have a jelly pool outside which cud be fun we had one a few months ago at chams lol
oh shit !!!!!
Its a pity the real police dont cathc that cabbage doing the commentary...driving while looking through a video camera must be illegal.
Hopefully going to be at infusion in blackpool next friday and maybe saturday nights..9th and 10th july.
Anyone else going over to Blackpool next weekend..??
we would like to come if we can....we know pete lol...put us down please and if alls well we wil be there
I had a walk along there last summer and never saw a soul...not sure where the stream is/ it a fair walk along the beach and are you saying people sit in the sort of cut outs into the sand dunes...?
does this make sense lol
Quote by Hornyandhorny
Are there any swinging clubs in Newcastle? I tried to get in touch with the only one listed on this site but never got a reply, does anyone know of any clubs?
thanks, S&A, xx

Have a look for club f...not quiet in newcastle.
Quote by rammie
any guys wanting to play wednesday daytime taking her to whitby would luv some fun pm us

Pity it wasnt tomorrow (monday) ime off work.
we are there this will enjoy it as its a lovely friendly club.
Hya we are over in blackpool for the weekend infusion friday and saturday lol if you see us say hello..
H and T
sent you a pm which you havent read yet...will be here until 6 ish then out and about.
Depending on what date the infusion birthday party is on we will be there that weekend.
Just looked the birthday party is the weekend before the 11th july.
we had friday and saturday night over there and had a cracking time.
we are gonna be there friday evening and probably infusion too....will let you know nearer the weekend
Aye frisky we will be meeting up with the north west group, just waiting for the email to say where and when...cya soon
You have to have a white rose in your collar and be carrying a copy of fiesta under your left arm....yes left arm.......if its under the right arm no one will know you ... biggrin